On Friday 30 March 2012, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> On 30.03.2012 10:53, Marco Martin wrote:
> >> however, if we do want to keep the "close" button and if we put buttons
> >> int he title bar, it could be drawn exactly as we do the "close" button
> >> on plasmoids.
> I think we should just make a decision now.
> Personally, I tend towards "Either both buttons or none" to clearly
> separate the two different kinds of "dialogs", and I think that in
> addition to the presence or absence of buttons we should offer other
> visual distinctions so that the user immediately knows if this is a dialog
> where she has to tap "Save" or not. But that is more of a personal
> preference. I don't have a problem with abolishing the close/cancel
> buttons altogether, so if the majority is for that, I won't object.

yeah, i would also be for none if also save can be avoided, both otherwise, 
this both for sheets and for dialogs

> entry was made on a screen with multiple input fields. What I don't want
> to see is a form with multiple input fields each popping up its own error
> balloon because the user has made several problematic entries and they are
> all validated at the same point. If that doesn't happen, I'm totally fine
> with the balloons.

i think should be used if is something that can be verified "as you type" , so 
the problem wouldn't occur, this wouldn't work together a bulk of verify input 
fields as you type

Marco Martin
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