Am 24.04.2012, 10:58 Uhr, schrieb Lamarque V. Souza <>:
Em Monday 23 April 2012, Martin Gräßlin escreveu:

I'm quite confused by your three commits [1, 2, 3]. Why are they
        PA2 uses thumbnails as LayoutName, PA3 uses window_strip, we need to
change that when someone upgrades PA2 to PA3:

The commits somewhat "conflict" with pending In general changing the directory structure is always a bold move and probably not even required or the best solution here (aside the other review one could have simply ifdef'd the script in question or alter it's behavior at runtime)

Why did you push directly to master without consulting the KWin
 It looked a simple change and has been tested.
Such would be "git rm clients/oxygen" - nevertheless it would certainly cause some stir, yesno? ;-)

In general we (and that explicitly includes Martin as maintainer) actually pass most stuff through reviewboard - keeps everyone up-to-date and prevents conflicting approaches.
Also two heads are better than none (-: :-)

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