Em Friday 27 April 2012, Thomas Pfeiffer escreveu:
> On Tuesday 24 April 2012 15:56:51 Lamarque V. Souza wrote:
> >     You can change it back to XRender in /usr/share/kde4/config/kwinrc. 
> > Check
> >
> >if ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc does not contain the line Backend=OpenGL, if
> >it does you can remove it from ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc and keep only
> >the one in /usr/share/kde4/config/kwinrc.
> ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc does not contain a Backend line.
> >> Of course I did ;) But it still does not work.
> >     
> >     I think probably fuse.ko is not loaded. You can check that using
> >
> >lsmod | grep fuse
> You're right, it wasn't loaded.
> >If it is not loaded you can append the command below to /etc/rc.local:
> >modprobe fuse        and reboot.
> I did that. It's loaded now, but switching to private still does nothing,
> trying to create a private Activity creates a normal one. :(

        Can you check after the reboot if fuse is really loaded? Try setting an 
activity as private and send me the ~/.xsession-errors of the process.
> The not working private activities are a problem that definitely needs to
> be fixed. If it can't the changes to the Stable repositories should be
> reverted imo. We cannot introduce a broken feature (as in "does not work
> at all") to a stable repository.

        Private activities stills needs some work until we can consider it 
stable, so I do not advise installing it in production computers. This week 
Ivan pushed some commits to fix most of the issues with private activities, 
there is still at least one thing to fix properly, that is moving resources 
to/from private activities. I have patch in reviewboard.kde.org that fixes the 
moving part but since files in private folder as not indexed once the user 
reboots the device the resources do not appear in any PA program anymore, 
although they are still in private folder. 

Lamarque V. Souza
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