Check the firewall rules to ensure they are correct. Are the packets
even getting to the DC? Personally I doubt it.


On 8/22/06, Thommes, Michael M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


   We are trying to set up secure LDAP queries from the outside to AD for
pulling email addresses but are running into an issue.  Port 636 has been
opened up to our DCs but we get a 0x51 error like the one shown below in
this example of using "adfind":

adfind -h -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] -up *  -default -nodn -f
sn=thommes extensionAttribute2

AdFind V01.26.00cpp Joe Richards ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) February 2005

LDAP_BIND: [] Error 0x51 (81) - Server Down

Terminating program.

(extensionAttribute2 is used for email address)

Portqry shows that the DC is listening on port 636.  Using "ldp", the bind
operation seems to want to default to port 389 (which is not open).

It works fine behind our firewall.  Is there some other port that needs to
be open (besides 389)?  Or maybe some security feature (we are running
w2k3/sp1 on our DCs) that is getting in the way?  Any help is appreciated!


Mike Thommes

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