With this one, it wouldn't. This is one of the most commonly requested things 
in AD history. No one needs to be reminded, it's all about schedule now.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Bradley, 
CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 12:43 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy

...you know a few Longhorn bugs filed on this might help

(hint hint)

Grillenmeier, Guido wrote:
> ;-) thanks for the feedback anyways Eric - it gives us an idea that we 
> shouldn't build our hopes too high for the multiple-password-policies 
> feature at this stage in the LH development phase. But I'll keep 
> hoping anyways.
> /Guido
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Eric Fleischman
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 02, 2006 6:25 PM
> *To:* ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> *Subject:* RE: [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy
> Is this a serious question? I have no idea. If I knew, not only would 
> I do this, but I'd run out and buy a lotto ticket immediately. <g>
> This isn't about NDA or not. We can't see in to the future like this. 
> We do our best to build as much as we can. At some point, the gates 
> close. What makes it in is quazi-predictable, but not to the level 
> you're asking for.
> ~Eric
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of 
> *Grillenmeier, Guido
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 02, 2006 2:15 AM
> *To:* ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> *Subject:* RE: [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy
> Eric,
> can you already state publicly, what the chance of this feature is to 
> make it into Longhorn, if at all? Or is this still NDA?
> Thanks,
> Guido
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Eric Fleischman
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 02, 2006 6:32 AM
> *To:* ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> *Subject:* RE: [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy
> A few comments, in no particular order...
> > I can visualize mechanisms to pull this off in the existing GPOs or 
> to do it outside of the GPOs
> Well sure...it doesn't take a visionary to see how this could be done. 
> ;) See LDAP policies for one such example (though by no means the only 
> choice...in fact, not how I would do it). I would point out that if you 
> pulled out password policy, it would make sense to pull out all policy 
> dependencies in AD itself so as to fully separate the 
> relationship...that is, AD and associated components (SAM, Kerberos, 
> etc.) do not depend on policy application for anything.
> > If you leave the world of the GPO I think you get more flexible as 
> you could then implement it in such a way that these password
> > policies could be applied to users within containers and even 
> specific individual users which would be great for say service IDs
> > or admin IDs
> Well, yea. I mean, this is the DCR that we've been asked for over and 
> over for like 5 years. While there are many ways to achieve it (group 
> memberships, direct links from the user & parent containers, etc.) the 
> net net is the same.
> > From the standpoint of speed/perf, I am not sure if it makes sense to 
> have an assemble the final policy on the fly mechanism here
> /<efleis snip of the rest of the paragraph, but I'm commenting on it all>/
> The reality is that I don't think most orgs will have thousands of 
> password policies, so the merging is likely not all that bad. And the 
> # of settings is low.
> That said, I'm still against this as it seems uber inconsistent to me 
> and very error prone.
> > Using groups could be troublesome, what is the override mechanism, 
> which group is more important if there are policies on 10
> > groups you are in?
> This is a trivially solvable problem, I'm not worried about this.
> On the larger point of the right way to skin this cat, I actually 
> disagree. I am for groups for the same reason I'm for them in the RODC 
> PRP scenario. Again, there are a great many orgs where you have OUs 
> separated by many things, say geographical location, and now want to 
> make an OU-separated set of lower-priv admins have some special 
> password policy (imagine the "regional admins" scenario for a customer 
> who has OUs separated by location). I really think the argument is 
> very much the same as RODC PRP use of groups...we don't want to push an 
> OU model here. I'm typically against building features in such a way 
> that they dictate a specific OU model to use them as that could fly 
> directly in the face of the logic you used for your existing OU model.
> > It confuses me somewhat why DCs insist on pulling this from DDP 
> instead of just assembling the policy, like any other, from all
> > applicable GPOs. I assume it was done to avoid a situation where two 
> DCs could have different policies applied to them and
> > depending on what DC handled your password change, you would be 
> subject to different rules.
> Yes, that's why. In fact, there were some way early win2k bugs that 
> yielded just this (like pre-SP1 if I remember right, or maybe even as 
> late as SP1, I'm not sure).
> > If that's the case, I can't say I'm a big fan of illogical hacks to 
> help out less-cluefull admins.
> I love this sentence. J
> ~E
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *joe
> *Sent:* Friday, September 01, 2006 2:57 PM
> *To:* ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> *Subject:* RE: [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy
> I can visualize mechanisms to pull this off in the existing GPOs or to 
> do it outside of the GPOs. Having thought about this quite a bit in 
> the past, my personal preference would be to handle this outside of 
> the GPOs for several reasons. Some of the reasons off the top of my head:
> o I never really liked policy items that simply made changes in AD and 
> then the changes to the policy were simultaneously moving through AD 
> replication and GPO replication. It is illogical. Either prevent the 
> attributes from replicating in AD or don't replicate them through 
> group policy, pick one. Preferably, IMO, get them out of the group 
> policy and use a standard LDAP attribute on the required objects.
> o If you leave the world of the GPO I think you get more flexible as 
> you could then implement it in such a way that these password policies 
> could be applied to users within containers and even specific 
> individual users which would be great for say service IDs or admin IDs.
> o It removes you from the complexity and confusion between the member 
> password policies and domain password policies which even now is still 
> a huge topic for questions in the newsgroups and here.
> o You don't get people trying to apply different password policies to 
> different domain controllers. I would like this executed for all 
> domain/domain controller security settings in general actually.
> From the standpoint of speed/perf, I am not sure if it makes sense to 
> have an assemble the final policy on the fly mechanism here. >From a 
> perf standpoint I don't think you want to be having to do the logic to 
> combine multiple password policies into one policy for every password 
> change (which would be the case if you go to the user granularity 
> level) and instead would just have an override mechanism. You can do 
> this with regular GPOs because the clients individually are processing 
> them, not the DCs. So for this, you would want to use the closest 
> policy to the user as the one applied. The alternative here is if 
> there was a builtin inheritance flowdown model like there is for 
> ACLing where you can simply look at the one object and know exactly 
> what the password policy is whether the settings were higher up or 
> directly on the object just like you can with ACLs. Either way, you 
> need to be able to do a very simple query and very simply processing 
> and get the decision for what the policy should be for the user. This 
> isn't a good place in the code to be just hanging out trying to figure 
> out what to do for a while.
> Using groups could be troublesome, what is the override mechanism, 
> which group is more important if there are policies on 10 groups you 
> are in?
> Whatever ends up getting done for password policy would be nice to see 
> on kerberos and lockout policy as well. You shouldn't hopefully need 
> to do it much with the former but there are times where I wish I had 
> it available because the only other option was to open the policy for 
> the entire domain regardless of the stupidity of the idea from a 
> security standpoint.
> This has been a discussion point inside of MSFT for quite a long time 
> now and I can assure you that anything that gets implemented/released 
> went through considerable discussion by the developers inside of MSFT 
> and to people outside outside of MSFT.
> joe
> --
> O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition - 
> http://www.joeware.net/win/ad3e.htm
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Crawford, Scott
> *Sent:* Friday, September 01, 2006 4:08 PM
> *To:* ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> *Subject:* RE: [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy
> Ø of plans to allow setting password policies at the OU level
> What would be the direction they'd go to implement this? Since the 
> setting is in the computer section of the GPO, it seems to offer all 
> the functionality one *should* expect. And in fact, it is applicable 
> at the OU level and it applies to computers [1]. It seems that the 
> major reason people want to be able to set the policy at the OU level 
> is so that it applies to users. The issue is that it's a computer 
> setting, not a user setting. IMHO, the only way to allow different 
> password policies for different users, is to move the settings to the 
> user section of the GPO.
> [1] It confuses me somewhat why DCs insist on pulling this from DDP 
> instead of just assembling the policy, like any other, from all 
> applicable GPOs. I assume it was done to avoid a situation where two 
> DCs could have different policies applied to them and depending on 
> what DC handled your password change, you would be subject to 
> different rules. If that's the case, I can't say I'm a big fan of 
> illogical hacks to help out less-cluefull admins.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of 
> *Grillenmeier, Guido
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 31, 2006 7:58 AM
> *To:* ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> *Subject:* RE: [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy
> Agree, a separate domain is certainly a very high price to pay - it'll 
> cause ongoing headaches with very little benefit. Other companies add 
> requirements for smartcard logons for Admins or also solve it via 
> organizational rules as mentioned by ZV.
> I've heard of plans to allow setting password policies at the OU level 
> for Longhorn AD, which is due out mid next year. This could be wishful 
> thinking (has been a request for quite some time), but I hope they 
> make it.
> /Guido
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Za Vue
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 31, 2006 2:39 PM
> *To:* ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> *Subject:* Re: [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy
> Would it be easier just to ask them to use 15 characters? Run a small 
> script to check on the numbers of characters after the passwords have 
> been changed. If under 15 than ask them to change it again.
> -Z.V.
> Almeida Pinto, Jorge de wrote:
> third party software could be an option
> for example: http://www.anixis.com/products/ppe/default.htm
> jorge
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Bahta,
>     Nathaniel V CTR USAF NASIC/SCNA
>     *Sent:* Thursday, August 31, 2006 14:15
>     *To:* ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
>     <mailto:ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org>
>     *Subject:* [ActiveDir] Seperate Administrator password policy
>     Just wanted to field this to see if it makes any sense to any of
>     you guys.
>     We are going to implement a mandatory 15 character password policy
>     for all of our administrator accounts. The only way that makes
>     sense is a subdomain with a separate password policy, since there
>     is only one per domain. I also know that I have to edit the
>     minPwdLength attribute and the uASCompat attribute to make this
>     work on the subdomain. Can anyone think of another method of doing
>     this?
>     Thanks,
>     Nate Bahta
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