It is a good article with good analysis. I do think it would be a useful feature to have a bit to flip for simple bind to be forced to fail with blank password, even though this would go against the RFC spec. I also think it is interesting that since ADAM is actually doing some sort of secure authentication to AD, this bind attempt does actually up the bad pwd count and can result in user lockout.

Another scenario that is interesting with blank passwords is that potentially an ADAM or AD user could have an actual blank password. It then becomes very difficult to tell them apart from a bind attempt. I remember Dmitri discussing this on the newsgroups a ways back, although as I recall, he seemed to believe this was an inevitable consequence of the spec.

Besides the DCR, I think all you can do is validate on the application side (but you already knew that).

Joe K.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jef Kazimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:53 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] ADAM bind Redirection with a NULL password

Since there has been talk of LDAP "Authentication" as of late, I figured I'd post my issue of poorly developed applications allowing a null password to an ADAM instance using Bind Redirection.!F2042DC08607EF2!710.entry

I'd be curious if a bit flip to shut down this possibility could be put in control of the directory Admin, instead of relying on the developers.


Jef Kazimer
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