
I'm just getting started with ActiveWarehouse (AW), but I had a couple
of questions as the docs are a bit sparse.  I have built
warehouses/marts before (though I must admit it was awhile ago), but
not using AW.  I am planning to use it for www.prx.org.

I am looking to craft a fact table(s) from exports of an AR table
where we log user activity (a user listened to an audio file, a user
published a new piece, etc.), and then I want to drive a flash chart
with rolled up values of these for standard time dimension - e.g.
count of listens by day, week, month; count of profile views by day,
week, month, etc.

I figure I can use the etl tool to extract from the AR model using our
RR app prod db as an ODS, especially with the new records only option
(though I may break up the initial load a bit as it is about 3 million
records).  I'll also keep the export to file first default option,
that seems like an awfully good way to do it.

Assuming I get this all in a nice star schema, I don't want to only
rely on rolap for the summary - I need speed/scaling for this.  I had
thought (before looking at AW) to create a set of rollup tables,
similar to what I see was done in the mmmultiworks gem_stats project

I could implement something like that - where all the summary counts
are saved for each of the 3 levels I care about (roll up by day, week,
and month - so perhaps 3 three summary tables).

I would also be fine with another cube aggregation / rollup impl if I
could hear from someone a good experience with it, and esp if it was
ready to use so I didn't have to do something custom here. Any advice
on this?

My other question is if anyone has split this across servers - I am
playing with the idea of offloading the processing for this to another
box so I don't hurt performance on the prod server - I guess I could
just access the dbs remotely, and take a hit on the remote
communication - any other good practices with this?

Any other good current resources to use?
I am happy to read the code, but example apps, or more current example
blog posts or tutorials would be helpful.

(And a quick hello to Thibaut Barrère if you are reading this list
still, would love to hear how AW has been working for ya.)

 - Andrew Kuklewicz
Activewarehouse-discuss mailing list

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