On Mon, 13 Jun 2016, Arash Naderpour wrote:

Hi Nick,

That was just an example to let community knows that it is not only technical difficulties preventing some areas sticking to IPv4, There are more countries out there (I can prepare a list if you are really interested) with similar or other type of non-technical limitations.

RIPE Community does not belongs just to the ones who have possibility to deploy IPv6, (even if it is not the community responsibility to work around the damages some governments are causing)

Sure. There are lots of governments implementing all kinds of policies that make things worse for the general population in that country. Unfortunately, there is nothing RIPE can do to help these countries and their goverments, because RIPE doesn't have huge blocks of addresses to give out.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se

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