Unfortunately I don't know the release date. Should be available fairly soon I would imagine. I can try to check for you. I ALSO believe that it'll run in 1.4 and 1.5. I know the system is built in 1.4 anyway, but oracle QA's generally test it in 1.5.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to discourage you from using Trinidad. It is, essentially, the latest and greatest. It just doesn't yet have the portal stuff in it and is and will continue to become more JDK 1.5 centric.


Bruno Bernard wrote:

you are right, i was using
com.liferay.util.jsf.apache.myfaces.context.MyFacesContextFactoryImpl. I
tried to switch it to org.apache.myfaces.context.FacesContextFactoryImpl and
it still worked but as soon as I switched to the Trinidad's
FacesContextFactory i got the class cast exception. I guess I will need to
do more investigation/learning and look at what you have plan to fix in
Trinidad and try to help.

As of ADFFaces Any ideas when it will be released (even early
access)? Is it going to support JDK 1.4.



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