आंदोलन खूप अगोदरच करायला हवे होते म्हणजे प्रश्न लवकर निकाली लागला असता,
सुसरी धरणाचे काय झाले?

On 24 June 2015 at 20:31, AYUSH | adivasi yuva shakti <ay...@adiyuva.in>

> On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 8:21:45 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH | adivasi yuva
> shakti wrote:
>> Plan for All-weather port at Wadhwan revived
>> Posted by EcargoLog on May 20, 2015
>> The Maharashtra government has decided to revive the development of
>> all-weather port at Wadhwan in Thane district. The project entails an
>> investment of more than Rs 10,000 crore.The state-run Maharashtra Maritime
>> Board and JNPT will form a joint venture to develop the port. Both are
>> currently in discussion to push the handling capacity up to 100 million
>> tonne annually.
>> The project was proposed in 1997 by the Shiv Sena-BJP government with the
>> involvement of a global port construction and management company P&O. The
>> Maharashtra Maritime Board had issued letter of intent to P&O in 1997. The
>> project cost then was estimated at $950 million for setting up setting up a
>> 30-berth port. However, the government scrapped the project due to strong
>> opposition from locals as well as various political parties.
>> A senior state government official commented: ”The union ministry of
>> shipping and ports has held at least four meetings with the representatives
>> of Maharashtra Maritime Board and JNPT to discuss the project and its
>> viability. One more meeting is proposed this week. The JV options are 51:
>> 49, 50:50 and 74:26. Maharashtra Maritime Board is not a cash rich
>> undertaking and therefore may opt for 26% equity and that too in the form
>> of land and related infrastructure. The final decision will be taken during
>> course of discussions.”
>> The official said the port site is quite ideal with a draft of 18 meters
>> and it is connected to rail and road. ”The port will be able to cater to
>> increasing cargo traffic considering constraints of Mumbai Port and
>> Jawaharlal Nehru Port,” the official added. He informed that other ports
>> being proposed and those operational in the state include Rewas, Dighi,
>> Jaigad, Vijaydurg, Redi and Karanja.
>> Shipping and Ports expert Atul Kulkarni said the development of port
>> north of Mumbai is the need of the hour and it is an economic decision.
>> ”The sufficient land is available there in addition to rail and road
>> connectivity. The port site is quite convenient as it is close to
>> industrial centre in the state. Mumbai port is almost 140 years old while
>> Jawaharlal Nehru Port has exhausted the water front. Therefore, Wadhwan
>> port is expected to be a mega port to handle more volumes,” he opined.
>> On Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 9:33:12 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH | adivasi yuva
>> shakti wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 11:13:54 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH | adivasi yuva
>>> shakti wrote:
>>>> Save Land Save Tribals Save Nation!
>>>> Around the world ‘development’ is robbing tribal people of their land,
>>>> self-sufficiency and pride and leaving them with nothing.
>>>> Watch this short, satirical film, which tells the story of how tribal
>>>> peoples are being destroyed in the name of ‘development’.~
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFU2iQcFv7U
>>>> On Monday, June 1, 2015 at 8:10:44 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH Adivasi Yuva
>>>> Shakti wrote:
>>>>> ऑस्ट्रेलिया में अदानी का विरोध
>>>>> भारत का अदानी समूह ऑस्ट्रेलिया में विवादों में घिर गया है.
>>>>> क्वींसलैंड के मूल निवासियों ने कंपनी की खनन परियोजना के ख़िलाफ़ वहां
>>>>> की अदालत का दरवाज़ा खटखटाया है.
>>>>> मूल निवासियों के नेताओं का कहना है कि कोयला खदान की खुदाई करने से उनका
>>>>> मूल निवास नष्ट हो जाएगा.
>>>>> ज़बरदस्त विरोध[image: अदानी की खनन परियोजना]
>>>>> अदानी समूह ने क्वींसलैंड में लगभग तीन अरब डॉलर (करीब साढ़े उन्नीस
>>>>> हज़ार करोड़ रुपए) खर्च कर कोयला खदान विकसित करने का फ़ैसला किया है. लेकिन
>>>>> वहां के मूल निवासी इसका विरोध कर रहे हैं.
>>>>> क्वींसलैंड के मूल निवासियों का कहना है कि जिस जगह खुदाई करने की योजना
>>>>> बनाई गई है, वह उनके लिए पवित्र है. यह उनके लिए आध्यात्मिक महत्व की जगह है.
>>>>> खुदाई करने से उस जगह की पवित्रता तो नष्ट होगी ही, उनके लिए महत्वपूर्ण जगह
>>>>> भी ख़त्म हो जाएगी.
>>>>> 'नष्ट हो जाएंगे पवित्र स्थल'[image: ग्रेट बैरियर रीफ़]
>>>>> मूल निवासियों ने इस पूरी परियोजना का विरोध करने का फ़ैसला किया है.
>>>>> इसके लिए उनके नेता अमरीका और यूरोप जाएंगे. वे अदानी की परियोजना में निवेश
>>>>> करने वालों को समझाने की कोशिश करेंगे कि वे उसमें पैसे न लगाएं.
>>>>> पर्यावरण के जानकारों का कहना है कि कोयला खदान की इस परियोजना से ग्रेट
>>>>> बैरियर रीफ़ को भी नुक़सान पंहुचेगा. एक फ़्रांसीसी बैंक ने इस तर्क को मानते
>>>>> हुए परियोजना को कर्ज़ नहीं देने का फ़ैसला भी कर लिया है.
>>>>> On Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 10:33:17 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH Adivasi Yuva
>>>>> Shakti wrote:
>>>>>> On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 10:09:41 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH Adivasi
>>>>>> Yuva Shakti wrote:
>>>>>>> भूमि अधिग्रहण....
>>>>>>> मुंबई - अहमदाबाद नविन रेल्वे लाईन टाकत असताना दोन्ही बाजुकड़ील एक-एक
>>>>>>> किलोमीटर जमीन सरकार घेणार.
>>>>>>> चार पट बाजारभाव मोबदला म्हणून दिला जाणार.
>>>>>>> पैसे किती दिवस पुरणार?
>>>>>>> घेतलेल्या जमिनीवर हे उद्योगधंदे उभारणार आणि त्यात आमचे भूमिमालक
>>>>>>> पर्यायाने गुलामाप्रमाणे मजूरी करणार?
>>>>>>> स्वाभिमान गहाण टाकायला लावणारा विकास कोणासाठी केला जात आहे.
>>>>>>> On Monday, May 11, 2015 at 10:03:31 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH Adivasi Yuva
>>>>>>> Shakti wrote:
>>>>>>>> ~Around the world ‘development’ is robbing tribal people of their
>>>>>>>> land, self-sufficiency and pride and leaving them with nothing.
>>>>>>>> Watch this short, satirical film, written by Oren Ginzburg and
>>>>>>>> narrated by actor and comedian David Mitchell, which tells the story 
>>>>>>>> of how
>>>>>>>> tribal peoples are being destroyed in the name of ‘development’.~
>>>>>>>> http://www.survivalinternational.org/films/there-you-go
>>>>>>>> On Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 4:43:34 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH Adivasi
>>>>>>>> Yuva Shakti wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Monday, March 30, 2015 at 12:22:43 AM UTC+5:30, AYUSH Adivasi
>>>>>>>>> Yuva Shakti wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 7:44:29 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH Adivasi
>>>>>>>>>> Yuva Shakti wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> दलांलांच्या त्रासाला कंटाळुन आदिवासी तरुण आत्महत्या करत
>>>>>>>>>>> आहेत....तरुण पिढीला नष्ट करणारे,आत्महत्येस प्रवृत्त करणारे हे दलाल 
>>>>>>>>>>> समाजाचे
>>>>>>>>>>> शत्रु नाहींत का ?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, March 16, 2015 at 10:07:56 PM UTC+5:30, AYUSH Adivasi
>>>>>>>>>>> Yuva Shakti wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please get in touch with our team to support this case. or
>>>>>>>>>>>> connect us legal expert for same.
>>>>>>>>>>>> AYUSHonline team
>>>>>>>>>>>> www.adiyuva.in
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 8:38 PM, AYUSH | Adivasi Yuva Shakti <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ay...@adiyuva.in> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Resettlement of tribals
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Displacement of tribals from their land amounts to violation
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of of the Fifth Schedule of the constitution because it it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> deprives them
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from land which is essential for their way of life.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If it is absolutely necessary to displace in the larger
>>>>>>>>>>>>> interest they should be provided better standard of living each 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> family
>>>>>>>>>>>>> shall be given land against land , minimum of 2 hectares of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cultivable land.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Resettlement should be not away from their original
>>>>>>>>>>>>> district/taluka
>>>>>>>>>>>>> they should be settled close to their natural habitat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> they should be provided all basic amenities.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The incidence narrated is a violative of constitutional
>>>>>>>>>>>>> provisions provided in 5th schedule
>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.jago.adiyuva.in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AYUSHonline team
>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.adiyuva.in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 9:57 PM, AYUSH activities <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> adi.activ...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  जाहिर निषेध !
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> कोयना (सातारा) धरणग्रस्तांचे पुनर्वसन ३५०किमी दूर वाडा
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (पालघर) येथील सुपीक जमिनीत आणि सुसरी (पालघर) येथील धरणग्रस्तांचे 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> पुनर्वसन
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ५३०किमी दूर लातूर च्या भूकंपग्रस्त आणि दुष्काळी जिल्ह्यात, हा 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> कुठला न्याय?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The tragic situation: Koyna(satara) dam grasthance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rehabilitation  in Wada (Palghar-350km away) which is fertile 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and rich area
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for water supply, needless to say it is great land for farming 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> duties.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whereas Susari (Palghar) dam grasthance rehabilitation in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Latur(530 km
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> away) the place which is vulnerable for deadly earthquakes and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> droughts !
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What kind of justice is this ! Throwing far away territory where 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> critical than before, is this something they calls proper 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rehabilitation ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Save Land, Save Adivasi, Save Nation!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Link :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/adiyuva/media_set?set=a.652617874763953.1073741837.100000472403313&type=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/adiyuva/media_set?set=a.652617874763953.1073741837.100000472403313&type=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interested Candidates for Tribal Entrepreneusrhip Training
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Program submit form at :www.event.adiyuva.in (share with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your friends)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Learn More about AYUSH online at :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.adiyuva.in/2013/10/ayush.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
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चेतन व. गुराडा.
Chetan V. Gurada.

Assistant Professor,
University Department of Physics (Autonomous),
University of Mumbai
Lokmanya Tilak Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 400 098.(India)
mobile - 9869197376
e-mail: chet...@physics.mu.ac.in

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