Geoff Gill wrote:
> I need to change the IP address on my ADSM server this
> weekend. I want to
> know if there are any pitfalls I should look out for. It's
> not just an IP
> change on the same network, I'll be changing the IP, NETMASK
> and Default
> Gateway.

Your clients need to know how to contact the server at the new address.  You
may already have that under control, but since you didn't mention it, I'll
assume it slipped your mind.

Do your clients' option files contain

   - If A, then you need to update every client's option
     file and restart their schedulers

   - If B, then you need to make sure the DNS is changed,
     and that the changes will propagate to the clients
     within a reasonable time
     Contact your local DNS guru for more info.

   - If a mixture of A and B, then both apply, and also
     you may want to tidy up a little

All of the above applies regardless of whether you're running in prompted
mode or polling mode.  (In prompted mode the A clients may or may not keep
working after the chance, but they would fail the next time they were

I'll leave the other questions to those who actually know AIX.

> Questions:
> Since I'm not totally AIX literate yet is there a command
> line command I can
> use that will do all 3 at once?
> Should I plan on rebooting the box after this change?

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