If you have access to a Unix Shell and are familiar with it, it should not
be hard to write a script to do the following.

1.  Execute Restore
2.  Read the return code.
3.  Exit is the return code is good
4.  Start the restore again if it is bad

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Fijan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 6:50 AM

Hi folks.

I've the following problem:

I start a restore for a Fileserver with about 20 GB data to restore.

We have a 16 MB TokenRing, so we make maybe 1 GB per hour. So the restore
would take 20 Hours.

Now my problem is: how can I automatically restart the restore when the
session ends because of
time-outs or other reasons?

The TSM-Client is a NT-Fileserver, the TSM-Server is OS/390.

with kind regards

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Robert Fijan
Sitz Stuttgart
Tel. (0 7 11) 8 48-23 39
Fax. (0 7 11) 8 48 44-33 11
Internet-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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