The per processor charge does not apply to the client. It only applies
to the server. The thing to remember with 5.1, is that there are two
different versions of the server and client. The Base version and the
Enterprise Version. The Enterprise Edition server has a higher per
processor price than the base version and the enterprise edition of the
client code has a higher price per client than the base version. Now
what we used to call the TDPs has been repackaged and they are also now
priced on a per processor basis as well. These products are called
Tivoli Storage Manager for Database, for Mail, for Hardware etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Zlatko Krastev
Sent: April 13, 2002 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: New Tivoli licensing - what "processor" mean

Processors in which machine(s)? If this is only server processors it is
little bit surprising to me (according to price book I look at processor
costs less than 200 Euro). If it is for client processors as well the
price goes too high.
Could you be so kind to provide exact Tivoli description from the
licensing document within the box.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:        Re: New Tivoli licensing - what "processor" mean

Processor means the number of CPUs. For example if you have an RS6000
with 4 CPUs, that is 4 processors. The new pricing is based on the
number of CPUs/processors in the machine.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Zlatko Krastev
Sent: April 13, 2002 9:34 AM
Subject: New Tivoli licensing - what "processor" mean

Hello *SMers,

I still need to obtain an answer what is hidden behind the new
term in Tivoli licensing scheme. It is not only in ISM but also in
Monitoring, Configuration Manager, etc.
After looooong reading of all announcement letters issued by IBM on 9.04
still got not answer. The only light at the end of the tunnel was URL in
one of them ( The hope was
when I looked at the page. There were two links (named "Definitions for
Tivoli Enhanced Value-Based Pricing (Word doc) updated
03-28-2002" and "Definitions for Tivoli Value-Based Pricing (Word doc)
updated 11-05-2001") but suprisingly they pointed to same URL .
Those silly *!$&%$!*es have put their licensing into a MS Word file
Gates, it's time for you to start using Lotus Domino). Moreover as you
expect the correct link was the one dated 11-05-2001.
Trying to get answer soon I've filled the form at IBM's site both as
web-site feedback and software inquiry. Even working very close with
Software Division rep at IBM Bulgaria (here IBM does not have Tivoli
dedicated person) I filled another form asking Tivoli rep to contact me.
The only answer was from web feedback. When I calm down I would be able
laugh on this answer but right now I am out of my skin.
"Thank you for contacting IBM.
In response to your inquiry for the Trivoli Licence agreement term for
"processor" ....." and later pointed to toll-free number in U.S. Feeling
this is not
enough the letter continued with IBM Bulgaria's phone number but with
digit less.
Yes, right, Trivoli !! It was written three times and all three were
Trivoli. And in their database even the phone numbers are not correct. I
suspect this man did not had any info about IBM Bulgaria's web site or
should make a mistake pointing the URL as well.

So please, please, please, any of you who already got their ISM v5.1
some light what is "processor" in Tivoli terms. Or anyone reading this
I deadly need to make a quote for a customer (till day before yesterday
:-(( ). I have all the prices but do not know how much processor
I have to put for ISM, APD and APR (IBM TSM, IBM TSM for Databases and
TSM for ERP).
Thank you for the help.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

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