Rule 01 only in the rarest of occasions should you use public fields in any

It breaks the rules of encapsulation and data hiding,

It also does not allow any data validation entering the object.

I know it can be tedious writing properties for all fields but a good habit
to get into.

I wish visual studio had a feature to allow you to setup default properties
for fields like by displaying a tickbox or something.

Has anyone tried the create properties dialog box.  Its so useless, I wonder
why they didn't take it out in 2003.


-----Original Message-----
From: Damien Guard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 21 October 2003 11:36 p.m.
Subject: Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] Do properties need a 'holder' keyword?

>I find it is very common to have a private field that properties use to
hold there value, like
>get{return holder;}set{holder=value;}

If that's all you are doing in a property's methods then why not remove the
property and make the private field public?


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