i don't know how u r managing the level one and level two nodes.,.
if  u r managing with only levels then u can use the following code.,
public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value,
  boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row,
   boolean hasFocus) {
    DefaultTreeCellRenderer treeCellRender = (DefaultTreeCellRenderer)
  super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded,
           leaf, row, hasFocus);
  DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)value;
  if(node.getLevel() == 1) {/// or for u r node how u identify
   treeCellRender.setIcon(new ImageIcon());  <><> icon or gif image u can set
but if u want to change the icon in the same levels then one way is to read the icon names from the Properties
file and try.
On every event u can check the property of the node and u can set the necessary icon that comes from a file.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 01:32 AM
Subject: JTree and DefaultTreeCellRenderer

Hi all.
 Any of you know how could i set an image to a tree.
 i know about the DefaultTreeCellRenderer, and the way to put an image for a leaf or closed(collapsed) or opened(expanded) nodes, But what i need is to set for some elements(supose leaf nodes) an image, and for others another image(e.g).
Obj1 obj1;
Obj2 obj2;
ImageIcon imgObj1=getClass().getResource("obj1.gif");
ImageIcon imgObj2=getClass().getResource("obj2.gif");
so when i add my obj1 in my tree must appear obj1.gif, same whit obj2..you know like JBuilder do in the project browser(if a property is private, the icon is diferent to a public one). It is possible to do..? Have you seen something like this before..? Any idea..?
Thanks in advance Romel
Romel Calero Ramos
Est. Ciencia de la Computación
Universidad de La Habana

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