Thanks for sharing!

I am going to include it in the Perl Weekly going out in a few minutes.


On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:16 AM, Robert Spier <> wrote:
> Advocacy folks,
>  This might be something interesting to do something with.  TWiki is
>  one of those things that lots of folks use, likely without even
>  knowing it is perl.
> -R
> === Forwarded Message:
> From: Peter Thoeny <>
> Subject: Re:  New TWiki-5.1 Release
> Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 22:18:01 -0700
> Dear Robert,
> The open source TWiki community has been working hard over the last 14
> month to produce a collaboration platform that is now much more
> appealing to non-technical users. We focused primarily on usability
> such as point and click user data management, more visual user profile
> pages with picture selector, and a backup feature that helps upgrade
> TWiki sites. The new release also strengthens TWiki as an application
> platform to more easily build custom wiki applications. As previous
> releases in the last two years, the new release is rock solid and can
> be downloaded from
> The blog post at
> explains what is new - it also contains screenshots of key usability
> enhancements to get a quick overview.
> Could you please help spread the word in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,
> blogs etc? You can point your connections to the blog post indicated
> above, short link is:
> Sample tweet you could use:
> New TWiki-5.1 release available, primary focus is usability. Overview
> with screenshots: #e20 #enterprise #wiki
> Your help spreading the word of the new release is greatly appreciated!
> Could you please point your Perl coder friends to our getting involved
> page at ?
> Cheers,
> Peter

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