On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 10:16:11PM -0800, brian d foy wrote:
> [[ This message was both posted and mailed: see
>    the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]]
> In article <20090102174105.ga14...@plop>, Philippe Bruhat (BooK)
> <philippe.bru...@free.fr> wrote:
> > Wondering when the next Perl event is? Wouldn't it be nice if the
> > information was automatically available in your calendar?
> Well, that's what I've been doing with The Perl Review Community
> Calendar for a couple of years:
> http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ngctmrd1cac35061mrjt3hpgng%40gr
> oup.calendar.google.com

OK, so there is some duplication of effort. I'm not surprised. :-)
My data comes from my desire to get exhausitive conference data (including
some Act-related info), so I'm sure there is some data you have and I
don't, and vice-versa.

Of course, I understand that from a community point of view, it's better
to advertise a single authoritative calendar. The one I made scratched
my own itch, and I thought I might as well share it.

> It's the same feed that TPF uses on YAPC.org. You can get the data in
> all sorts of ways, and it has ICS feeds. It shows up in my calendar
> applications just fine. :)

I'd be interested to learn how to do that (and how YAPC.org does get
the information). I suppose there is some sort of XML export format?
I can't find a way to get to it from the "embed" URL.

> If anyone wants commit bits, they just have to let Jim Brandt or I know

I'd also be interested to know how to share information between our two
databases, yes. If a commit bit is needed, I'll take it.


 Philippe Bruhat (BooK)

 Be careful when you take one side or the other. You could wind up in the
 middle.                            (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #33 (Epic))

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