Thank you, but let me reformulate the question.

I'm running a Google Ads Scripts (GoogleAds->Tools and Settings->Bulk 
Actions->Scripts). The query being run is 

*SELECT,,    customer.resource_name,    
customer.descriptive_name,    segments.geo_target_most_specific_location,  
  geographic_view.country_criterion_id,    segments.geo_target_region,    
customer.currency_code,    metrics.cost_microsFROM geographic_view wHERE BETWEEN 2023-05-08 AND 2023-05-10*

I need to match in this kind of result with the geo target constant 
This data has the following structure:

*Criteria ID* | Name | Canonical Name | *Parent ID *| Country Code | Target 
Type | Status
*20083* | Cochabamba Department |  Cochabamba Department,Bolivia | *2068* 
|  BO | Department | Active
*20084* | La Paz Department | La Paz Department,Bolivia | *2068* | BO | 
Department | Active

In my query results, I would need to retrieve the *Criteria ID *identifier 
as a dimension (*i.e. either 20083 or 20084)*, but only found Parent ID as 
geographic_view.country_criterion_id (corresponding with *Parent ID 2068*, 
shared on both rows)*.*

As stated in this other thread 
(, I 
would not need to download the file but just making the next specific query 
as a second step:

geo_target_constantWHERE geo_target_constant.resource_name = 
'geoTargetConstants/<<criterion ID>>'"*

I dont want to match by country name, I need the row identifier (a.k.a., 
segmenting the data with city, department, region or other), so I would 
replace the WHERE condition with

So, my question is where to find this (meaning, 
which resource has it as a valid segmentation), so I can check if this 
would be a nice fit for my pursposes.

Again, I don't mind splitting in several steps, I want the final solution 
that mimic adding a segmentation for *Criteria ID*
Thank you

On Monday, May 15, 2023 at 3:50:14 AM UTC-3 Google Ads API Forum Advisor 

> Hi Pablo,
> Thank you for getting back to us. I hope that you are doing well today.
> Moving forward to your concerns: 
>    - 
>    - *does exist ANY way to obtain those rows with null values for city 
>    dimension?* 
>    - 
>       - As mentioned in the documentation about segmentation (
>       I'm afraid that the metrics in the summary row may indeed decrease when 
>       adding some segments. That being said, the thing that we would suggest 
> you 
>       do is remove the segment field from a query so that you can see the 
> data 
>       you are referring to. 
>    - 
>    - *where do exist the 'Criteria ID' dimension, stated in geotarget 
>    constants as unique identifier for the target type (i.e. Department Oruro 
>    Department,Bolivia has Criteria ID 9069872, with parent 2068, Bolivia 
>    Country)?* 
>    - 
>       - I saw in the pdf file that you provided that it is indeed under 
>       the criteria id. For us to further check and answer this concern 
>       accurately, could you please provide us the full non-cropped and 
>       non-redacted screenshot of the UI? 
> In addition, please also provide us the complete *request* and *response* 
> logs 
> with *request* *ID* generated on your end so our team can investigate 
> further and provide recommendations? 
>    - *Request - *
> **
> <>
>    - *Response -  *
> **
> <>
>    - *Request ID - *
> **
> <>
> You can provide it via Reply privately to the author option. If this 
> option is not available, then send it instead on this email address 
> Kind regards,
> [image: Google Logo] Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2lCMxp:ref

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