We had a similar problem several years ago. We were getting a beat frequency between two high power transmitters. The thing that fixed it for us was the snap-on torroids at each end. Depending on power levels, you might want the conduit as well. It helps to know what frequency you need to attenuate; the torroids match specific frequencies.

We got the torroids from Fair Rite: https://www.fair-rite.com/


On 7/20/2018 9:31 AM, Nate Burke wrote:
It looks like the old archives aren't back online yet, so I couldn't go searching through there for ideas.

I have a site where we have been co-locating with a 800w FM Transmitter for years.  We've always had Ethernet problems at the site since the FM went in.  Everything is shielded cat5 (Belden 7919).  It is at a grain elevator, our equipment is on one corner of the platform, and the FM Transmitter is on the other corner. We are horizontally separated by about 10 feet.  There is no way to get vertical separation.  I used to run all the cables down to the bottom of the leg, about 100'.  In an effort to make the Ethernet work better, I installed an Edgepoint fed with Fiber at the top, so cable lengths between the radios and the Edgepoint are now 5'-10'. With the FM Transmitter turned off, everything runs perfectly.  When the FM is turned on, most equipment drops to 100mb, and some goes down to 10mb.  On the most problematic equipment, I have installed the 4 pair FM Filters from Sandman http://www.sandman.com/rf.html within 12" of both the switch and the radio.  It made no change.

What FM Elimination tricks have I forgotten to try?  I was really expecting the short cable lengths to solve the problem.

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