Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 1:35:47 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [WISPA Members] Dear WISPA... 

I have another take. This license agreement was created before the recent 
Supreme Court ruling on things like this. I believe the new ruling lets us do 
whatever we want with the hardware. 

However if they are still using UBNT boot loaders or other software elements, 
then I would agree that the license would prevent. 

I was one of those that poked Canopy memory locations. Never got a lawyer call. 
But I never got it to survive a reboot either. 

From: Jeremy 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 5:26 AM 
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] [WISPA Members] Dear WISPA... 

Read the licensing agreement on both provider's radios. You will find that UBNT 
we're well within their right to sue, and I am honestly surprised that it did 
not happen sooner. The attitude of 'I own it, and can do what I want with it', 
doesn't hold up according to both of their licensing agreements. 

You may recall when vendors and customers were changing a couple of hexadecimal 
digits in order to turn Canopy SMs into APs. As I recall, this went on for a 
long time, and only stopped because Cambium sent their lawyers after everyone 

This issue is pretty cut and dry, and UBNT are well within their rights on 
this, and will almost certainly prevail in this lawsuit. 

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018, 5:34 PM Sean Heskett < > wrote: 


Thank you for your response and thank you for the board looking into the 
matter. Yes an ultimatum is an extreme position but I didn't start this, 
Ubiquiti did. 

This is an extremely serious matter for all the members so i decided to scream 
loudly and publicly, i'm not a politician, just a business owner that sees our 
industry under attack. We are a service provider association , not a vendor 
association and we are nice enough to let vendors into our group and give them 
access to our members. I know they also supply some much needed funding for 
WISPA, but it's a two way street and the association should be EXTREMELY 
concerned when a vendor sues it's own customer . Yes it will be tried in a 
court of law but that doesn't mean WISPA can't also take action. 

I'm not trying to cause a division, ubiquiti is at fault for that. I'm just 
raising alarm bells that they are attacking us, their customers. 

I look forward to the board's response. 

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Chuck Hogg < > 



When I joined WISPA, it was for many of the same reasons you joined. I loved 
the community, wanted to be a part of it, and wanted to ensure that everyone in 
the WISP industry is given a fair shake. 

I appreciate you raising this issue, although I wish you would have called me 
or another WISPA board member before giving WISPA an ultimatum on the members’ 
listserv. I’m concerned that your approach stokes division and argument, rather 
than unity. 

Like you, I'm sad that these WISPA members have been unable to work out the 
issues between them and have resorted to duking it out in court. I hate to see 
little guys get caught up in this mess. But as others have said, we have no 
idea at this time whether the allegations are true or false. They're just 
allegations at this point. 

Nonetheless, these are serious issues, and you've asked the board to act. We 
will of course consider your request, meaning we will gather what information 
we can and determine whether and when we can make an informed and meaningful 

Please feel free to reach out to us directly as this case continues to unfold. 


On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 2:46 PM Sean Heskett < > wrote: 


An Open Letter to WISPA, the Board of Directors and all WISPA members. 

Our industry and indeed WISPA itself if founded on the bedrock of helping one 
another to further our industry and our businesses. This group is a dedicated, 
committed group of IT cowboys that try their hardest to get things done and 
move forward. When one of our members suffers or has difficulty, we are all 
there to stand with them and provide whatever help necessary. When disaster 
strikes we jump in and help as in the case of several hurricanes and bad storms 
over the years. We also actively strive to help each other solve difficult 
problems whether it be configuring a server, securing financing, finding the 
best hardware solution to solve a problem or any other myriad of issues our 
businesses face the members of WISPA are there to help! I joined WISPA because 
I felt it was a great thing for me and my business and I want to support WISPA 
anyway I can, however our membership is being attacked from within and I call 
on the board to take corrective action immediately and forcefully! 

Ubiquiti Networks has recently sued Cambium as well as Blip Networks (a fellow 
WISP), Winncom Technologies (a WISPA vendor), Sakid Ahmed (Cambium VP of 
engineering) and Dmitry Moiseev (project engineer at Cambium) over Cambiums 
“Elevate technology”. I’ve attached the legal complaint so you can read all the 
details yourself. Basically the group is accused of “hacking” ubiquiti 
equipment by loading a different operating system and user interface on 
Ubiquiti subscriber radios so that they interoperate with Cambium ePMP access 
points. This is no different than someone loading windows on a Mac, or vise 
versa someone building a Hackintosh out of PC parts and loading MacOS on it. Or 
more to the point someone loading DD-WART on a linksys WiFi router. However, 
regardless of the merits of the complaint, what Ubiquiti is doing is a clear 
violation of everything that WISPA stands for! 

I’ve also attached the WISPA mission statement, Goals, Code of ethics, and 
Article 8 of the By Laws. Ubiquiti is in clear violation of all these sections 
and I hear by call on the board to terminate Ubiquiti’s membership in WISPA. A 
HOUSE DIVIDED CANNOT STAND! We must get rid of any bad actors amongst us so 
that we can continue to accomplish everything WISPA stands for. 

kind of business actively sues it's own customers? Who will be next? Our 
businesses are too small to be forced to defend ourselves from this bad actor 
in our organization. I fear that any one of us could be next on the chopping 
block and i’ve invested way too much time, energy, sweat blood and tears to see 
my business or a fellow WISP attached by a wall street company with deep 
pockets that can sue us out of existence. 

I hope the rest of the membership will join in signing this letter and that the 
board will remove Ubiquiti from our organization and send a message that we 
will not put up with this kind of business ethics. If the board is unwilling to 
remove Ubiquiti then I will be forced to remove myself and my company from 
WISPA because this is not what we stand for. 


Sean Heskett 

ZIRKEL Wireless 
High-Speed Internet for NW Colorado 
970-871-8500 x100 - Office 
970-846-8065 - mobile 




WISPA works to promote the development, advancement and unification of the 
wireless Internet service provider industry. 


• Encourage Congress and the FCC to write laws that support the survival and 
success of community-based wireless Internet service providers (WISPs). 

• Provide online technical forums that enable and encourage the sharing and 
exchange of information between all the members of the WISP community. 

• Demystify government rules and regulations. 

• Publicize, promote, demonstrate and maintain a Code of Ethical Business 

• Promote and support industry-wide communication, coordination and cooperation 
between local WISP organizations, national WISP organizations, community 
wireless organizations and wireless industry vendors. 



We will publicize our services in a professional manner upholding the dignity 
of our profession. We will avoid all conduct, practices and promotion likely to 
discredit or do injury to our field of endeavor. 


In keeping with this dedication to principle, the members of the Association 
have further pledged to: 

• Follow through and complete any agreement made verbally or otherwise to 
either another member of the Association or to any client or prospective 

• Deal fairly with the public and with fellow professionals, giving due respect 
to the rights and legitimate interests of others. 

• Respect the rights of the owners of intellectual properties. 

• Not knowingly disseminate false or misleading information and shall act 
promptly to correct erroneous communications for which they are responsible. 

• Use proper diligence to ensure that all materials on their networks are 
restricted in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and the tenets of 
reasonable precaution. 

• Not disparage other members by statement or innuendo to clients or 
prospective clients. 

• Respond to any complaint or violations filed with the Association and 
participate in all processes and procedures of the Association with respect to 
that complaint. 


By Laws 
By Laws Article 8 

8.6. Termination of Membership. A Member’s Membership will terminate upon the 
occurrence of any of the following events: 

8.6.1. The Member provides written notice to the Board that the Member is 
resigning from WISPA; 

8.6.2. The Member dissolves or ceases to transact the business that qualified 
the Member for WISPA Membership; 

8.6.3. The Member’s Membership expires, unless the Membership is renewed on 
terms fixed by the Board; 

8.6.4. The Member fails to pay dues, fees or assessments within ten (10) days 
after they become due and payable pursuant to the decision of the Board; or 

8.6.5. The Board terminates the Member’s Membership. 

8.7. The Board may terminate the Member’s Membership if the Board finds that a 
Member has materially breached these Amended Bylaws or any rule of conduct 
applicable to WISPA Membership or has otherwise engaged in conduct materially 
prejudicial to the purposes and interests of WISPA. The Board will abide by the 
following procedures to terminate a Member: 

8.7.1. The Secretary will give the Member a notice specifying the Board’s 
intent to terminate the Member’s Membership fifteen (15) days prior to the 
proposed date of termination. The notice will explain the reasons for the 
proposed termination. 

8.7.2. The Member may respond to the notice within ten (10) days after the 
notice is sent. The Member’s response will be in writing or at a meeting of the 
Board, as the Board may determine. 

8.7.3. No less than fifteen (15) days after the Secretary sends the notice, the 
Board, or a committee of the Board, will decide whether to terminate the 
Member’s Membership. 

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