Frontier - took CAF funding. 
CEO took huge payouts
CEO buys Ferrari
Frontier - Declares bankruptcy 

Limitless Mobile - gets 35 million
Builds multi county “rural” broadband network in the most populated areas of 
the counties. 
Promptly declares bankruptcy

> On Jan 30, 2020, at 4:27 PM, Adam Moffett <> wrote:
> A clever enough cheater will always find a way to cheat, but you can't make 
> it too easy.
> For NY BPO "Connect NY" there was physical verification that each piece of 
> equipment you bought actually existed somewhere.....whether in the field or 
> in storage.  The auditor seemed satisfied with a list of serial numbers plus 
> photographs of all the installations.  We made it very well organized for 
> them: "Rectifier A, Backhaul B, and Base Station C are located at Site X.  
> Here are our installation photos from Site X."
> You probably wanted good records of what's installed anyway, and if someone 
> takes the time to fake all of that, then maybe they deserve their Ferrari.
> Can you think of a project where there was blatant fraud like that?  I can 
> certainly think of times when they made poor product choices, or ended up 
> with unused equipment due to a design change in the middle of the project, or 
> they bought 20 of the wrong thing and had to go back and buy 20 of the 
> correct thing......or something was otherwise screwed up or mismanaged.  I 
> actually can't think of any project where people bought personal toys (like a 
> Ferrari) with public funds, or any other type of fraud along those lines.  If 
> you saw something like that, I hope you reported it.  I used it as an example 
> of what people would do if there was no auditing.  There is auditing and 
> consequently I don't think people are doing that.
>> On 1/30/2020 4:12 PM, Matt Hoppes wrote:
>> Except that there IS auditing now... and we DO end up with this exact 
>> scenario happening currently.  It's not stopping it.
>>> On 1/30/20 4:08 PM, Adam Moffett wrote:
>>> I'd rather not stress over audits, but auditing is a necessary evil IMO.  
>>> If there were no auditing then there's someone, somewhere who would buy a 
>>> Ferrari and supply a fake invoice for rectifiers instead. I'm sure everyone 
>>> on this list can think of someone they've dealt with who ought to have 
>>> their homework double checked.

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