The switch operators I work closely with have mostly abandoned VI. Outages/Issues seem to be increasing as well.

We have a trunk through them but don't send much traffic.

Daniel White
Co-Founder & Managing Director of Operations
phone: +1 (702) 470-2770
direct:+1 (702) 470-2766

Nate Burke wrote on 2/19/20 09:18:
Has anyone noticed a change with VI Support since Sangoma took over? Without any data to back it up, it fees like I'm sitting on hold longer before someone picks up.  They can still always solve my problem when I get through to someone, But they all sound like they're sitting in the middle of a coffee shop, or in a train station, there is so much background noise, people yelling, music playing, etc.  I'm on right now and it sounds like she's on an airplane, like there is rushing wind behind her.

I still have no complaints about the quality of the service, it just seems like something with Live support has changed.

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