If you are farther than 2500’ from the runway you are good.  

From: Ken Hohhof 
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 4:47 PM
To: 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 
Subject: [AFMUG] TOWAIR and ASR for existing tower

We have a tower next to a commercial building, I think it’s a 45 or 50 ft 
probably Rohn 45G.  It is near a smallish regional airport but pretty much 90 
degrees to the runway.  We need to swap out the 5 GHz backhaul links on this 
tower for licensed.


The frequency coordinator is telling us that according to TOWAIR we need to 
file for an ASR, I assume they mean not just with the FCC but with the FAA.


By doing so, are we opening Pandora’s box, where they tell us not only is our 
request denied, we have to take down the tower that has been there for 20 
years?  Is this one of those things where we will really regret asking the 
question and should have just kept quiet and suffered with the 5 GHz 

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