This was completely expected.  Under no scenario would have had Trump losing 
and acting in any other way.  

Born with a golden spoon in his mouth, surrounded his whole life by sycophants. 
 Bullying to always get his way, belittling and denigrating anyone that he 
viewed as contrary to his particular vision at any moment lead him to believe 
his own stuff.  

He lacks the ability for introspection.  He is mentally handicapped in this 
respect.  Delusional.  Being a pitchman full of puffery is one thing.  That 
comes naturally to him.  But actually believing your own puffery is a huge 
defect.  You gotta know when to cut your losses and beat it out of town.  Live 
to fight another day.  But he is choosing to die on this hill thus killing any 
legacy he might have.  

He is a spoiled brat, and lacks all sense of being gracious or a good sport 
about anything.  He is not fully human in this respect.  So, this reaction was 
100% predictable.  If he was a football coach he would ask for a review of 
every play and then steal the trophy when he lost.  

Just sit back, get some popcorn and see how far he will take it.  Personally 
seeing him being frog walked out of the Whitehouse by SS agents on inauguration 
day would be highly entertaining.  Perhaps they will have to wrestle the 
football from him.  

From: Darin Steffl 
Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2020 9:26 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..

If trump and his supporters believe all the lies he's been spewing since 
Thursday, you have to get your head checked. Don't believe things without 
evidence. Trust no one, only yourself and your ability to fact check what 
people say. 

Fact checking trump's statements since Tuesday show he has lied on nearly 
everything about the election with no evidence to back up his claims. From 
claiming he's won states that haven't been called, to saying he "WON THE 
ELECTION BY ALOT" yesterday when he's losing the popular vote and electoral 
vote. Then claiming all of these jurisdictions are "finding Biden votes" when 
they're simply counting legal ballots already cast. 

We're seeing mail-in ballots are more Democrat than republican votes which 
makes sense that as they're counted, they'll favor Biden.

Then trump claims they're throwing out and blocking republican poll watchers 
which has been proven FALSE in every case. In Detroit for example there were 
over 200 poll watchers each for Dem and Rep, and nearly 70+ independent 
watchers. But as more people outside tried to enter the building, they said no 
because there were already 470+ watchers inside plus the press. They don't need 
to let in anymore people so then the conspiracies started.

All I see is trump is a very sore loser trying to cast doubt on our free 
election process. Aren't his supporters all about freedom and democracy? If so, 
how does calling the election a fraud help that belief? This has been the most 
fair and scrutinized election in history so as others stated, there's no big 
conspiracy being pulled off when elections are run by all parties, not just 

Good luck in court trump. All you're doing is making these lawyers some money 
and making a laughing stock out of yourself. Learn how to lose in a fair 
election and don't incite violence and doubt on the election process.

Hopefully future republican candidates aren't celebrities with an ego like 
trump's. We need a professional in this office who cares about every American. 
Biden was not who I wanted to win the Dem primary but he did. I would have 
preferred Klobuchar or Buttigieg as they both seemed moderate and willing to 
work with everyone.

I'm hoping this Biden win resets congress to wanting to pass bipartisan 
legislation instead of fighting with the president like they did with Obama. 
Unfortunately, I still believe congress fought Obama on everything because he's 
black. Now that an old white guy Democrat will be president and they have a 
history with him, my hope is they'll work on deals and get stuff done. I'm sick 
of the radical left AND right and prefer people meet in the middle, close 
enough to shake hands. I don't think that's too much to ask of our elected 

On Sun, Nov 8, 2020, 9:19 AM Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

  Could be a made-up story, but somebody on the TV told of encountering people 
in other countries who could recite John McCain’s 2008 concession speech word 
for word because it had been taught as an example of how democracy works.

  From: AF <> On Behalf Of Bill Prince
  Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2020 8:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..

  It would be the King Kong of conspiracies to pull off. Getting hundreds of 
thousands of poll workers to stay quiet and do a coordinated effort in (I 
think) thousands of local polling places. It blows the mind how that could 

  And like you said, there have been 9 or 10 suits brought to court (so far) 
and every one has been tossed for lack of evidence.

bp<part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>On 11/8/2020 6:53 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:

    In a case like this judges will work weekends and nights.  I will be 
surprised if a single case gets accepted.

    Sent from my iPhone

      On Nov 8, 2020, at 6:53 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:



      From: AF On Behalf Of justsumname
      Sent: Saturday, November 7, 2020 10:27 PM
      To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
      Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..

      The declaration that Biden has won is premature.   This thing hasn't 
really gotten started yet.

      Judges don't hold court on the weekends.


      On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 6:40 PM Jaime Solorza <> 

        Yes good movie. 

        More akin to today is Seven Days in May...March, Douglas, Lancaster...

        On Sat, Nov 7, 2020, 4:22 PM Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

          The Founding Fathers didn’t account for the rise of political 
parties, which came soon enough.


          Somehow I’m reminded of the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.  
Set in the fading days of the old west with territories becoming states and 
deciding who to elect as their representatives.  Should it be Jimmy Stewart the 
righteous lawyer, or Lee Marvin the outlaw gang leader?  The old fashioned idea 
that you sent the brightest and best educated person to Washington to represent 
you.  Hah!  Politicians are not held in great esteem today, and we would 
probably vote for Liberty Valance.  I assume everyone has seen the movie.  It’s 
an old John Ford western, in fact he shot it in B&W, but it’s a must see.  Look 
at the cast – Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Vera Miles, Andy Devine, 
Edmond O’Brien, John Caradine, Lee Van Cleef.

          From: AF <> On Behalf Of Bill Prince
          Sent: Saturday, November 7, 2020 4:46 PM
          Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..

          The three-fifths compromise was enacted long before California 


 bp<part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>On 11/7/2020 12:54 PM, Matt Hoppes wrote:

            Uhhhh. No. The EC was created so that California has the same voice 
power as Rhode Island. 

              On Nov 7, 2020, at 3:17 PM, Bill Prince wrote:


              Could have been over on Tuesday if we didn't have the silly 
Electoral College shenanigans; which actually evolved from the crazy slave is 
3/5 of a person nonsense. Here we are ~~ 250 years later and we're still 
dealing with decisions we made about slaves.

bp<part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>On 11/7/2020 11:15 AM, Jaime Solorza wrote:

                We have spoken. 

                Righteous Indignation

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