They should stop talking about contact tracing as if it's working, it only 
works if you have orders of magnitude less cases than we have now.

There is the containment phase, mitigation phase, then who let the dogs out.  
Guess which phase we're in.  At this point, contact tracing is pretty useless, 
even testing is of questionable use.  About all you can do if you test positive 
is self-isolate and tell your friends, family and coworkers.  Even testing is 
questionable, mostly the people getting tested already suspect they have it.

Steve is right that the states didn't ramp up contact tracing fast enough or 
successfully, but given the poor cooperation they got from people, I'm not sure 
how much it would have helped.  Now about all they can do is tell people to 
isolate and tell their contacts.  Thank you Capt. Obvious.  And like Steve 
says, the lag time makes even that pretty useless.

If we were New Zealand, contact tracing would be great.  Or alternatively, a 
compliant surveillance society like China.

-----Original Message-----
From: AF <> On Behalf Of Matt Hoppes
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 2:44 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Ot: covid tracing

Don’t be too relaxed with it. I have a friend who just collapsed in church on 
Sunday from Covid. 

Just singing along and his heart stopped. Perfectly healthy, outside active 

They gave him CPR and last I knew he’s still alive in the hospital. 

He was a staunch anti masker. 

This is a very serious disease and needs to be treated as such. 

> On Nov 24, 2020, at 12:54 AM, Steve Jones <> wrote:
> What a let down this was. Turns out tracing is a joke. First off, they dont 
> even make contact with the positive test for 3 to 5 days even though the 
> money was for within 24 hours. So it essentially pointless as far as stopping 
> the spread.
> They dont ask for much detail, so thes "x infections traced back to Y event" 
> are pretty much fictitious. I thought it was maybe local to us, nope pretty 
> much the same way across the board. 
> We had 8 sick, three positive tests, and only one was actually traced. 6 the 
> seven of us were contacts, the two other positives werent marked different. 
> We are almost a week past the quarantine/isolation and still getting the 
> texts.
> The point is, yet again in this, the feds provided a massive amount of money 
> and guidance, actually bipartisan, and the states fucked it up. I'm in 
> illinois, so I'm guessing out of every tracing dollar 25 cents when in our 
> fat emperor, erm governors pocket, and another 25 cents went in speaker 
> Madigan criminal defense fund. 50 cents went to the tracers, but they 
> probably have to kick 30 percent back in taxes. 
> My kids are remote so it's not relevant, but they havent recieved the dept 
> public health release yet, so I figure the boy wont be able to do his drive 
> time friday for drivers ed.
> What a joke.
> Luckily this isnt the death plague they told us it was. Takes a lot to die of 
> it now and our state numbers are going back down now that the election 
> celebration infections are subsiding.
> Had the states done what they were supposed to, infected people would have 
> known 3 to 4 days earlier, and the percent that would quarantine would have. 
> This is our 3rd verified exposure, first actual contact tracing, the other 
> two I know for a fact listed us as contacts.
> When this is over and the FOIAs start, I'm hoping a lot of state and dept of 
> health officials spend a ton of time in prison. I'm betting there are a ton 
> of phones that were "lost" or smashed with hammers when the investigations 
> start after. Theres a ruthless watchdog group I had to deal with once, 
> actually forced a multi county health department to split, only got one 
> person for embezzlement though. But they know the FOIA game well enough that 
> the health department had to have constant deliveries of pallets of paper. 
> There were a lot of "early retirements"
> -- 
> AF mailing list

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