If the camera was rolling, we'd have the shot on film.  Was the camera rolling?

On 12/1/21 19:10, Bill Prince wrote:
Yeah. When you're acting, you have to do what the "act" calls for. There were failures here, but we can not really know from here what actually happened. Hopefully, people in the investigation will be able to make a reasonable determination.


On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 7:05 PM Chuck McCown via AF <af@af.afmug.com> wrote:

    The scene called for pointing the gun at the camera, and he did
    what the scene called for

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Dec 1, 2021, at 7:55 PM, Steve Jones
    <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Amazing how less dead that lady would be if this guy
    wasnt handling a magic gun pointing it at people on a scene that
    had no call to point at people in an industry where you
    dont point firearms at people with a firearm you dont point at
    anything youre not prepared to destroy... but sure, he didnt pull
    the trigger. Totally trust a mope who beats people up over
    parking spots

    On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 7:05 PM Chuck McCown via AF
    <af@af.afmug.com> wrote:

        I have a few heirloom antique 22 cal rifles.  Nothing against
        guns but I don’t own a handgun.  I have historically had a
        very short fuse and quick to fight.  I have mellowed with age
        but I still don’t want to give myself that option.

        Sent from my iPhone

        On Dec 1, 2021, at 5:24 PM, Jaime Solorza
        <losguyswirel...@gmail.com> wrote:

        My dad was USMC sniper...he loved to hunt and taught my
        brothers and me how to shoot rifles and hand guns...my
        youngest brother had the best aim...he took us
        hunting...thus is back in mid 1960s to 1972...folks divorced ..
        None of us own guns....we prefer fishing and crossbows...
        Only one who ever carried a gun was my sister when she
        worked for a three letter guvment(in my best Steve Jones
        voice) agency and my son in combat and afterwards as Air
        Force MP...
        Neither own guns now...
        Stay safe

        On Wed, Dec 1, 2021, 4:57 PM Chuck McCown via AF
        <af@af.afmug.com> wrote:

            He is saying he did not pull the trigger.  My first
            instinct was “yeah right”.  But I had to remind myself
            that I had a rifle go off all on its own once when I was
            about 13.  It was pointed at the ground.  Stock was
            under my right arm.  I was walking.  My hand was no
            where near the trigger.
            I actually did not realize it went off.  I realized
            someone very nearby fired a gun, but I did not feel it
            kick.  It was either a lever action 30-30 or a 32
            special, I used both on a regular basis.
            Everyone else in the hunting party all turned looked at
            me and asked me what I was shooting at. I initially
            denied I shot at anything but I felt the barrel and it
            was warm.  There was also a crater in the dirt right in
            front of my toe.
            Maybe a button on a sleeve or a rivet on my pants caught
            the trigger or the hammer.  When hunting I would
            frequently pull the hammer back half way.  I think that
            was considered having the safety on with those old guns.
            You could not pull the trigger and fire from that
            position.  If the trigger was all the way forward, it
            would fire if the hammer got struck by something.  To
            fire you had to pull the hammer all the way back.  Or if
            you used the lever to put one in the chamber it would
            also fully cock the gun.
            It has always been a mystery to me.  Just glad I didn’t
            kill anyone that day.
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