Darin, what's the state and county?  I have a full copy of the FCC ULS
database on a SQL server (in RAM!  yay for systems with 72GB memory) and
can query it pretty easily.

WA state example:

select * from fccdata where loc_county_name="SKAGIT" and
lic_status_code="A" and rollup_category_code="Fixed Wireless" order by

On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 9:54 PM, Darin Steffl via Af <af@afmug.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> There's a tower we want to colocate on that has 2 licensed SAF links and
> we know who is up there as the tower own has told us who is there. When I
> search the FCC License database though, I see their other licensed
> locations and paths for other towers they're on but not for the new tower
> they've been on for at least 2-3 months now. Is there that long of a lag
> from the license being granted to showing up on the FCC site? The more
> unlikely thing is they ordered links and put them up without being granted
> a license. I doubt that is the case because they have all their other links
> licensed and and they show up fine.
> Any ideas or feedback on this?
> --
> Darin Steffl
> Minnesota WiFi
> www.mnwifi.com
> 507-634-WiFi
> <http://www.facebook.com/minnesotawifi> Like us on Facebook
> <http://www.facebook.com/minnesotawifi>

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