Exactly. There are too many web developers that just use a GUI to make
their sites and don't know anything about what is going on behind the
scenes. I realize that people expect more out of their sites than you would
probably want to hand code, but there needs to be a middle ground. This is
more in reference to the web in general than epmp.

On Wednesday, January 21, 2015, Vlad Sedov <v...@atlasok.com> wrote:

>  lol..
> shit code is mostly why we need gigabytes of RAM these days.
> vlad
> On 1/21/2015 9:42 AM, Jon Bruce wrote:
> And we only need 64k of RAM.
>  On 1/21/2015 10:30 AM, Nate Burke wrote:
> > You need big boy PCs to be on the Internet anymore
> Who's fault is this?  There are sites I don't visit anymore because
> they've made them so bloated they won't run (chicagotribune.com)  They
> provide the content, they should make sure they work for me, not the other
> way around (Even though I realize that I am the eyeballs being sold)
> Just think if the whole web was as neat as the packetflux equipment is.
> You'd still only need 10mb interfaces on your servers.
> On 1/21/2015 9:21 AM, Vlad Sedov wrote:
> Oh, no doubt. I like my sea of tabs too.
> But we're talking about a radio web interface. I don't care how much RAM
> your PC has, using 10x more resources to display the same stuff is a huge
> waste. Consider how many lower-powered gadgets are used to manage radios..
> It has to be nimble.
> Vlad
> On 1/21/2015 9:17 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
> I routinely have over 8 gigs of RAM chewed up by my browsers, sometimes
> almost 14 GB...  You need big boy PCs to be on the Internet anymore.  ;-)
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> http://www.ics-il.com
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Vlad Sedov" <v...@atlasok.com>
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','v...@atlasok.com');>
> *To: *af@afmug.com <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','af@afmug.com');>
> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:15:24 AM
> *Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] EPMP Minimum System Specs <rant>
> I just did a quick memory usage test on our NMS box...
> Firefox (google.com): 76MB in RAM
> Firefox with Canopy 450 AP interface open, logged in: 84.5MB.. a gain of
> less than 10MB of RAM usage.
> Firefox with ePMP AP open, logged in: *170-185MB* in RAM. over 100MB RAM
> usage, to display the same stuff. Why?
> IE (google.com): 64MB in RAM
> IE with Canopy 450 AP interface open: 53MB (less than google!)
> IE with ePMP AP interface open: *138MB*
> Similar results with Chrome.. About 75MB difference.
> eh.
> vlad
> On 1/21/2015 8:56 AM, Nate Burke wrote:
> Not sure what it is, but in my case, the Machine did make a difference in
> load time.  Be interested in others feedback as well.  Do you see similar
> results?  Are my results bad?  Do older/slower machines take longer?
> On 1/21/2015 8:52 AM, Josh Luthman wrote:
> >But Seriously, it's a web page displaying TEXT AND NUMBERS, why should
> it need an i7 on the client side for that?
>  No shit.
>  So you're saying it's clock speed?  I've no idea what my phone does but
> I would be kind of surprised if the Galaxy S3 and my phone vary too much in
> CPU (I think they're both 2013 products).
>  Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Nate Burke <n...@blastcomm.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','n...@blastcomm.com');>> wrote:
>>  Just to sorta provide some more data from the original Thread, it seems
>> that CPU Makes a huge difference in how fast the pages load.� I ran a
>> test from the office to the same EPMP radio using 3 different machines.
>> On my 6 core I7 Desktop.� Initial web load takes 4-5 seconds.� And
>> login takes another 4-5 seconds.
>> On an old Dualcore Xeon, it's 10 seconds for initial load, and 10 seconds
>> to login
>> On my atom netbook, it was 20 seconds for initial Load, 10 seconds to
>> login, and another 10 seconds for the graph to display and all the red '!'
>> marks to disappear (they were on all left menu items)
>> I know people just said 'well just get a faster laptop'.
>> But Seriously, it's a web page displaying TEXT AND NUMBERS, why should it
>> need an i7 on the client side for that?
>> On 1/21/2015 8:34 AM, Vlad Sedov wrote:
>> Yes they did, and it was definitely for the better. Most of the
>> improvements were based on some sort of real world feedback.. That's how
>> you make a good UI :D
>> vlad
>> On 1/21/2015 1:29 AM, CBB - Jay Fuller wrote:
>> �
>> I do recall they did completely redesign the interface, due to our
>> request, after the initial complaints of v1....� : /
>> �
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Vlad Sedov <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','v...@atlasok.com');>
>> *To:* af@afmug.com <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','af@afmug.com');>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 20, 2015 11:15 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] EPMP Minimum System Specs <rant>
>>  This has been one of our biggest complaints from day one.
>> The interface, while it has gotten slightly more usable, is still
>> complete garbage. It's unpredictable, slow, and inconsistent.. Let alone
>> the features that just don't work.
>> Why on earth did they not just stick with a field-tested, fast, usable
>> interface from the Canopy line? Nobody buys a radio for it's slide-out
>> menus and pretty HTML5 crap.
>> We need, fast, intuitive, consistent.. Forget the shiny.
>> grr
>> Vlad
>> On 1/20/2015 10:57 AM, Nate Burke wrote:
>> > Ok, Cambium, this is a little sad.� My Field Laptop, a Lenovo S10-3t,
>> > Atom Processor with Windows 8.1 cannot load the EPMP WEB Pages in a
>> > timely manner.� We're talking 40-60 seconds for initial load, and
>> > 20-30 seconds per screen refresh/menu change.� Since I'm going to
>> have
>> > to go to the boss, and tell him that I need a new laptop to do any
>> > field troubleshooting for these new radios, what are the minimum
>> > system specs for a machine to view the EPMP Screens?� Unless Cambium
>> > is going to get their Web interface under control as of Yesterday.
>> >
>> > They still swear that the GUI was all developed in house and not
>> > purchased (something I still can't believe).� I'd like to know who
>> the
>> > engineers/managers are who signed off on that design.� I can only
>> > imaging that there was a group of guys sitting around the conference
>> > table, watching the presentation on the GUI on the projector up front,
>> > all nodding their heads in agreement, "I think this is a wonderful
>> > layout, the field tech's won't mind waiting a couple extra minutes for
>> > the pages to load so they can look this pretty!!"
>> >
>> > I think that Cambium should step up and get engineers from ALL aspects
>> > of product development out into the field.� 40 seconds waiting for
>> the
>> > page to load is fine when you're sitting in the office, but not when
>> > you have the laptop balanced on a stack of firewood in the freezing
>> > rain trying to get to the monitoring page to see why a radio isn't
>> > linking up.� I think that every WISP on this list would be more than
>> > happy to host an engineer for a day. Heck, even if they go into the
>> > parking lot and assemble it on the tailgate of someone's Pickup,
>> > they'll get some idea of what we experience.
>> >
>> > I have a feeling that if all steps of the Dev process took a week in
>> > the field, We'd have a radio that had a GUI that responded instantly
>> > on any device, and radios that assembled and mounted (and unmounted)
>> > with 1 gloved hand.
>> >
>> > </rant>
>> > Nate

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