Is there another piece of gear you can try with the planet switch that isn't the mikrotik?

The only reason I ask is that I always seem to hear about ethernet negotiation issues with mikrotik, and sfp issues with them as well - mainly CCRs.

Haven't heard anything bad about the planet stuff to this point.

On 04/03/2015 04:32 PM, Jason McKemie wrote:
As a follow up to this, I switched the optics out to some standard (non-bidi) SFPs, and I'm getting similar results. Going to test with another routerboard instead of the Planet switch to see if that makes any difference. I've heard good things about the Planet gear, not terribly impressed at the moment though.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 11:25 PM, Jason McKemie < <>> wrote:

    I'm trying to link up a Planet industrial ethernet switch
    (IGS-10020MT) with a CCR via SFP ports and bidi optics.  I'm
    getting packet loss (~5%) and the receive errors are incrementing
    steadily on the switch. Any ideas what I can check here?  Do these
    not work well with generic bidi optics?


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