With that equipment, you probably have about 1.3-1.4A of load at 24VDC. Using 2x250W, 24VDC panels and 4x100Ah batteries should get you through 4-4.5 days of heavy overcast. If you need more runtime, add another pair of 100Ah batteries. An MPPT controller will charge better as the panels reach full voltage during the day (PWM controllers are less expensive, but will limit charge efficiency).

Where you are, I'd consider putting the batteries in the ground in some kind of an enclosure. This will keep them at least 35-40F in the dead of winter, giving you predictable run time when it's cold. I just make a 4' x 4' x 4' box with hinged lid made from treated lumber, dig a hole, put gravel on the bottom of it, throw in the box and back fill. Insulate the top 12" and the lid and they'll stay warmer. It's not elegant, but it works. There are much better solutions out there, I'm sure.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
email: jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
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On 7/5/16 8:42 AM, Tim Reichhart wrote:
Hey Guys
I need to know what kind of size of solar setup I need to be able power 4 rockets,2 powerbeam m5 500, 1 rb2011ils-in, 1 nanostation m2
this site have no option for power from power company and this location in northwest ohio.


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