I heard that YouTube Live is now open to everyone.  May want to check that out.

I have the locally installed Wowza server on a VM.  I think I pay $60/mo or 
something per stream.  I have plenty of bandwidth so that cost is negligible.

Jim Bouse
Mobile IT Pro - Brazos WiFi

From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Ken Hohhof
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 10:02 AM
To: af@afmug.com
Subject: [AFMUG] Wowza cloud cost

I seem to remember lots of folks gave Wowza a thumbs up.  And I'm assuming you 
should license the software and run your own server if you can get at least one 
customer to pay you for the service.  But the cloud version seems like the way 
to start out, and my question is about Wowza Cloud for anybody using that for 
things like tower cams.

It looks like each camera would be $60/month, plus ingress and egress 
bandwidth.  What is your typical cost per camera including bandwidth?

I thought the transcoding option would be a must have to scale the resolution 
and bandwidth for different devices, but at $500/mo, that's too expensive.  
Does it work OK to just have one high resolution stream?  Is that transcoding 
option per stream?

What if you have more like 5 cameras you want to put on your website.  That 
could be around $500/mo with the cloud service and including bandwidth.  That 
seems way out of line unless it's generating ad revenue or something.  I can't 
spend that much just because people would enjoy it.

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