Is the Glass half full or half empty ? 

Is the Glass empty ? ... Some folks believe that if there is even a drop of 
liquid in the glass it is not empty... Some folks believe that a few drops 
don't matter since the bulk of the Glass is Empty 

And some just feel like arguing about what exactly is 'a few drops'.... 
thousands !!.... 

Meanwhile all of my good friends are missing the big picture..... 
Arguing about 'thousands of drops' is ridiculous, decisive, waste of time, 
energy and resources... But apparently they appear to have been so wound up 
tight by the crap (FUD) from the extreme news sources that they believe it and 
sincerely feel that they are being discriminated by the system... 

I came to realization of this from another conversation, I have say that I am 
flabbergasted..... Never in my life I thought that 'Conservative', 'White' 
Americans, majority from the middle of the Country, seriously and sincerely 
believe that the system has been discriminating against them...and they see the 
current Administration as someone who is going to 'fix' that..they are so wound 
up and angry that they don't care about at what cost this so called 'fix' may 
take.. nor do they care 'who' it hurts... 

Funny thing is that, they complain about the "Millennials" and 'Liberals' being 
a 'me me me' generation, while right now they appear to be behaving in the same 
manner.. 'me me me' and hiding behind 'America First'... 

I am not calling anyone out, and purposely generalizing, and right now the 
'split' appears to be half half.... Meanwhile, it is in the best interest of 
the ruling class to keep everyone fighting (arguing) with each other thus 
providing the cover to do what they want, or not do what they don't want to do, 
and somehow everything they want to do lends gain only to the select group and 
not to the American People.... 

Enjoy the show.... I am waiting to see what will be the reaction from such 
folks when the 'hurt' starts to affect them, which will take a bit of time.... 
I just pray that we all come out on the plus side of the equation...I have no 
ill wishes for anyone, but the way things are headed do have some serious 
concerns as to where exactly we are headed. 


Faisal Imtiaz 
Snappy Internet & Telecom 
7266 SW 48 Street 
Miami, FL 33155 
Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232 

Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email: 

From: "Jaime Solorza" <> 
To: "Animal Farm" <> 
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2017 9:00:38 AM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Take your meds dude!! Trump Claims Without Evidence 
"Thousands" Of People Were Bused Across State Lines To Illegally Vote 


Yep, I fell off the turnip truck... Headed to buy my Ivanka Trump spring 
ensemble. Plausible my ass 

On Feb 11, 2017 6:29 AM, "Mike Hammett" < > wrote: 


That seems like an extremely plausible thing to have happen. I don't understand 
your outrage. Time to take part in the first directive of your subject. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

From: "Jaime Solorza" < > 
To: "Animal Farm" < > 
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2017 5:22:01 AM 
Subject: [AFMUG] OT: Take your meds dude!! Trump Claims Without Evidence 
"Thousands" Of People Were Bused Across State Lines To Illegally Vote



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