Correction, it was only doing it for a week.

On 10/6/2017 8:33 PM, Nate Burke wrote:
I've had this happen on 3 or 4 AF24 (not HD) radios. One time you could physically hear something rattling around inside the radome. Another time, power cycle of the unit fixed it. This last time, I had a radio do this for 3 weeks, then suddenly one day, it started working normally again (power cycle did not fix it in this case). All different physical units, always the same symptom, a single chain in a single direction loses like 15-20 db of signal.

On 10/6/2017 8:22 PM, Mathew Howard wrote:
Seems kind of odd for it to be off by that much on only one chain in only one direction, if it was an alignment issue... I'd suspect a broken radio.

On Oct 6, 2017 7:49 PM, "George Skorup" < <>> wrote:

    Could be bad Rx or possibly Tx at the opposite end. Or alignment
    like this one I have, which I know one end is slightly out and I
    just haven't bothered fixing it yet. Probably end up going 18GHz
    on this anyway, because >1 mile and 24GHz sucks here.

    On 10/6/2017 7:35 PM, Sterling Jacobson wrote:
    Not sure why it didn't attach the picture, let me try again.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Af [] On Behalf Of Sterling Jacobson
    Sent: Friday, October 6, 2017 6:29 PM
    To: ' <>'<> <>
    Subject: [AFMUG] Airfiber 24HD One Chain Bad?

    How do I fix a link where just one chain is bad as shown here?

    Not quite sure what to make of this.

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