Xposted from: Media for Development in Democracy

Hi Everyone, A member of a Senegalese-based human rights organization
called RADDHO will be coming to NY for 3 months beginning in the fall
(end of September). Moussa Diallo Bocoume will be looking to meet
with, and learn from, different mediamakers and human rights
advocates as he is interested in pursuing several human rights-
related videos upon his return to Dakar and the Casamance region. He
will be meeting with WITNESS for a weeklong workshop on script
development and shooting, but would welcome the opportunity to learn
from skilled videographers, directors, editors or human rights
practitioners. He speaks Fulani and French (he understands English
but can't speak it). If you know of any relevant trainers who might
be interested, please contact me asap to coordinate.

Thanks and best wishes,


Ronit Avni
Program Associate
353 Broadway
New York, NY 10013
tel: 212.274.1664 ext.201
fax: 212.274.1262
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