thanks for a great job this past six years. you performed a very
vital service keeping us all connected.
sade is a great choice to fill in for you. I am sure she will do a great job.

i am willing to pay $6 right now as a memberhip for the list serve.
$9 if that is what it takes.  that covers a month so I am sure there
are  more people who would pay that small fee to keep this service

let me know where to send it sade and if i can do it through paypal

floyd webb

>Dear fellow subscribers:
>It has been over six years now since this list server started.  Back at
>the FESPACO of 1997, we had a meeting of African film and video
>distributors and decided to set up a list server to serve as a much
>needed communication link among us.  In those days email was new, and
>list servers pretty much unheard of, but I was in the computer business
>as well, and I offered to set it up and moderate it.  In a couple years
>it grew to 200 members, where it has remained since.  We've averaged a
>couple postings a week.
>I'm very happy to announce that Sade Turnipseed ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has
>volunteered to take over the moderation of the list server.  She'll
>introduce herself to you all soon, so I won't attempt to do so, but I've
>met her several times at various African cinema events, and know she'll
>do a great job for us all.  She plans to put out a call for a group
>discussion, on whether a re-focus of the list server is in order,
>and will request submissions from everyone as to what the "new" mission
>statement of the African Cinema Conference should be.  Media for
>Development International (MFDI) will continue to cover the costs for
>the list server ($6-9 a month) for the rest of this year, and
>thereafter, we leave it to Sade to find a way to cover these costs. 
>I will soon do a posting on the other related list servers that I have
>been receiving - and often cross-posting from.  Some of you may wish to
>also join these directly.  I've done this before, and for a long time
>now, have planned on doing a complete posting on all these other, mostly
>funded list servers that I have enjoyed for years now.  I encourage you
>all to stay subscribed and enjoy Sade's fresh approach and the
>reinvigoration of the African Cinema Conference.  I certainly look
>forward to continuing as a subscriber.
>I want to thank you all for the feedback I've received from so many
>subscribers.  It has been an honor to be involved in this small
>initiative and I do feel that it has accomplished its goal of helping us
>all keep a bit more informed about African Cinema.  I have enjoyed the
>time I've invested and I am sorry to be seeing that come to an end.  But
>I'm extremely happy that Sade has stepped forward to take up the task,
>and I'm sure she will guide the list server to new and better things.
>With very best regards,
>Cheers, Steve Smith
>Media for Development International
>www.mfdi.org   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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