African Cinema Conference presents... The Educational Foundation of America (EFA) makes grants to qualifying
non-profit organizations that have tax-exempt status and those that
are not
private foundations as defined in the Internal Revenue Code. EFA
grants for specific projects. It does not provide funds for endowment
endowed faculty chairs, building/capital programs, religious purposes,
grants to individuals, annual fund-raising campaigns, indirect costs,
overhead or general support. The Foundation prefers not to fund
located outside the United States.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the environment,
crisis of human overpopulation and reproductive freedom, Native
arts, education, medicine, and human services.
Important characteristics considered by EFA are an organization's
record of
achievement, intended broad impact, sound financial practices,
independence, and correspondence with EFA objectives. Unfortunately,
worthy requests are denied because needs exceed the Foundation's
or a given project does not fall within a current are

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