I just recently wrote some thoughts on twitter about this.  My thoughts
there are a rough sketch at bridging the gap of doubt between personal
experience on one hand and the compelling case for cybernetic totalism on
the other.  I'm thinking of expanding this is into a full article to better
make the case, but this is just some informal off-the cuff thoughts
exploring my own reasons for viscerally doubting the physical system
explanation of experience, and the reasoning that brings me to resolve that
and see how it is feasible.  If this were a real article and not a tweet
thread I would draw on Hutto & Myin's "Radicalizing Enactivism" book more
explicitly, which makes one of the best cases I've seen for why
naturalistic realism is enough, and that dualist duplication of correlates
in a mental realm of qualia etc is unnecessary.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 6:07 PM Jim Bromer via AGI <agi@agi.topicbox.com>

> I already regret asking these questions, but do you truly (really -
> honestly) believe that:
> Conscious Experience or soul or Qualia or the experience of being (or
> whatever you want to call it) does not actually exist (or occur)?
> and/or
> This experience (whatever you want to call it) can therefore occur in
> a computer program?
> Jim Bromer

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