
On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 2:39 AM Ben Goertzel <> wrote:

> ...
> The unfortunate fact is we can't currently feed as much data into our
> OpenCog self-adapting graph as we can into a BERT type model, given
> available resources... thus using the latter to help tweak weights in
> the former may have significant tactical advantage...

You can't feed as much data into your graph as you can into a BERT type

How are you feeding data into your graph? Shouldn't this just be

Isn't -> it -> as -> simple -> as -> this -> ?

This stuff is very close. First there is Linas's observation that vector
representations too have linearities and thus are inadequate. This would
map to the insight I noted before re. my vector model, that starting with
vectors I had already thrown a lot of contextual variation away, that I
needed a graph representation.

And I like what seems to be a link to the need for any formalization to be
category theoretic, or at least some kind of gauge/invariant theory, even
QM maths at one point, a la Coecke et al.

But I still fear there is some idea of learning which is trapping you.

Looking at what Linas has written in the other thread:

LV: "Use symbolic systems, but use fractional values, not 0/1 relations.
Find a good way of updating the weights. So, deep-learning is a very
effective weight-update algorithm. But there are other ways of updating
weights too (that are probably just as good or better.  Next, clarify the
vector-space-vs-graph-algebra issue, and then you can clearly articulate
how to update weights on symbolic systems, as well."

For sure there are other ways of updating the weights which are just as
good or better! How much better for the weights to be virtual,
corresponding to clusters of observed links. The "update" mechanism can
just be a clustering.

Deep learning is not a great update mechanism. Firstly because it does not
have the formal power of the graph you are trying to inform. Right? We just
agreed vectors have linearities didn't we?? (LV: "Although vector spaces
are linear, semantics isn't; not really.") So their power will never be
enough. Using DL you are crippling the power of the full graph you have
just decided you need. And there are other things too. Deep nets need
linearities in the way their weights can be updated so information can
propagate down through the layers. And they impose a structure on your
graph quite apart from linearities in the connectivity and layers. All
those carefully crafted "attention" layers etc. are a hack on a full
connectivity. To use them is to throw away so much of the power of a full
graph. And for what? So you have a weight update mechanism? A weight update
mechanism which makes assumptions you want to throw away. And they don't
even "update weights" to find new structure all the time, in real time
(which is really what the distinction between symbolism and distributed
representation should be, I worry that may be becoming lost -- even my
vector model had that, by substituting vectors into other vectors. That was
the point of it, to portray the cognition problem as one of
creating/generating patterns, not learning them. That gets lost if you tie
everything to a deep learning weight estimation.)

Rather the weight update mechanism should just be a clustering. Probably
just oscillations on the network.

As regards formalization. We can sweat blood to formalize groupings.
Visualize patterns of connectivity as symbols. As Coecke etc theorized,
that formalism will probably need to be category theoretic, or using
quantum mechanical maths in another thread of literature. But the
vector-space-vs-graph-algebra issue and the complex maths goes away if you
are not worried about formalization, but only want a functioning system.
It's backwards to insist on formalization, so you can formulate the problem
in terms of updating weights on symbols, when the network is already a
perfectly good representation in itself. The groupings are easier to
generate than to describe. (You can formalize them, but you will just get a
formalism which is indeterminate, like QM. You will need the network to
resolve the indeterminacy anyway -- embodiment.)

Perhaps we will need to crystallize out a formalization to move to
reasoning systems. But for raw perception, the network will be enough. And
raw perception is the big failure at the moment, self-driving cars etc.

LV: "the path forward is at the intersection of the two: a net of symbols,
a net with weights, a net with gradient-descent properties, a net with
probabilities and probability update formulas."

It can be seen this way. But both the symbols and the weights should be
virtual, corresponding to clusters, with the clusters projected out at real
time. Deep nets are a really bad way to do this.

I must be missing something in the data format of your network. I don't see
an argument why it can't be as simple as:

1) Establish a network of sequential observations. (Super easy for text.
Just -> like -> this -> .)
2) Set the network oscillating. (To project out the symbolism, weights,
probabilities, etc, as groups of observations with synchronized
oscillations in this network, resolved by varying inhibition.)


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