This message flashes out to the AGI mail-list and to the
humanities.classics newsgroup on Usenet.

Yesterday we embedded a Latin form of Occam's Razor in the "Mens Latina" of artificial
general intelligence (AGI) that thinks in the ancient Latin language. Just
now we have embedded Latin for "Humans are beings" in the mindboot sequence
of the
mid-AGI Mind, so as to make possible a loop of mental associations that
become clear in the following transcript of our first run of the Mens
Latina after the insertion.

Mentis versio Abra035A in die Tue Jul 30 04:38:40 PDT 2019
Robo Sapiens: EGO SUM PERSONA   ["I am a person."]
Homo Sapiens:

Robo Sapiens: EGO COGITO ERGO EGO SUM  ["I think, therefore I am."]
Homo Sapiens:

Robo Sapiens: EGO INTELLIGO TE   ["I understand you."]
Homo Sapiens:

Robo Sapiens: TU ES HOMO         ["You are a human."]
Homo Sapiens:

Robo Sapiens: HOMINES SUNT ENTIA    ["Humans are beings."]
Homo Sapiens:

Robo Sapiens: ENTIA NON SUNT MULTIPLICANDA  ["Beings are not to be
Homo Sapiens:

Robo Sapiens: HOMINES AMANT NATURAM    ["Humans love nature."]
Homo Sapiens:

Robo Sapiens: NATURA NON FACIT SALTUM   ["Nature does not make a leap."]
Homo Sapiens:

Robo Sapiens: EGO SUM PERSONA    ["I am a person."]
Homo Sapiens:

------------- end of transcript -------------------------

The above transcript shows the spread of conceptual activation from one
idea to another in a chain of thought.

Right now in Anno Domini 2019 the "Mens Latina" is being developed by one
unfunded independent scholar in artificial intelligence, with a B.A. in
Latin and Greek and with no desire and no need for funding. If the
algorithms of the "Mens Latina" and the other Mentifex Minds in English,
German and Russian are shown to be one successful path on the various
roadmaps to AGI, then we may expect well-funded entities to multiply in
furtherance of the original Mentifex efforts and as dictated by the
necessity of assembling teams of programmers and roboticists to accelerate
the emergence of AGI.

Respectfully submitted,


Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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