Again I can't speak for Colin, but I believe the basic idea is that
the electromagnetic fields are merely part of the theory, not the
theory in totality. He doesn't discount the neural substrate, no.
That's a crucial part of the theory. It's both the neural elements and
the associated (very strong) EM fields that are prominent in his
theory. I believe the "interface" of sorts is the role that the EM
field generated by the mind plays in influencing the neural activity.
I suppose you can simply discount the electric fields as mere noise
but that is a point of contention I think.

On 12/23/20, Matt Mahoney <> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2020, 12:45 PM WriterOfMinds <>
> wrote:
>> I don't agree with him, but watching all of you talk past each other is
>> frustrating me.
> Me too. Colin's argument is that nobody else has produced AGI either, so
> his theory is as good as any other.
> It's ridiculous. We already understand how neural networks work. They are
> the most successful models we have for vision, language, and robotics, but
> they require massive computing power that's only recently become available
> if you have millions to invest. It has nothing to do with the magic of
> consciousness emenating from electromagnetic fields. His theory doesn't
> even try to explain how that might work.

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