To kick off the new year ... here is Part 2 of a trilogy of papers I'm
working on ...

"Paraconsistent Foundations for Probabilistic Reasoning, Programming
and Concept Formation

this one grounds (key aspects of) PLN in paraconsistent logic, and
thus makes clearer the programming-language Curry-Howard cognate of
PLN (via the known prog-lang cognate of relevant sorts of
paraconsistent logic).   Also some other related stuff like
paraconsistent Formal Concept Analysis...

Part 3 (another paper) will sketchily represent the core OpenCog
cognitive algorithms as  Galois connections involving
continuation-passing-style metagraph chronomorphisms , where the
metagraph targets are labeled w/ probabilistic/paraconsistent
dependent types as outlined in Part 2 ...

But I will defer starting on that till I finish some work on the SNet
roadmap and related issues ...

Ben Goertzel, PhD

“Words exist because of meaning; once you've got the meaning you can
forget the words.  How can we build an AGI who will forget words so I
can have a word with him?” -- Zhuangzhi++

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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