On Thu, Mar 28, 2024, 2:34 PM Quan Tesla <quantes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Would you like a sensible response? What's your position on the
> probability of AGI without the fine structure constant?

If the fine structure constant were much different than 1/137.0359992 then
the binding energy between atoms relative to their size would not allow the
right chemistry for intelligent life to evolve. Likewise for the other 25
or so free parameters of the standard model and general relativity or
whatever undiscovered theory encompasses both. The anthropic principle
makes perfect sense in a countably infinite multiverse consisting of an
enumeration of finite universes, one of which we necessarily observe.
Wolfram believes our universe can be expressed in a few lines of code.
Yudkowsky says a few hundred bits. I agree. I calculated the Bekenstein
bound of the Hubble radius at 2.95 x 10^122 bits, which implies about 400
bits in a model where the N'th universe runs for N steps.

But I don't see how solving this is necessary for AGI. As I described in
2006, prediction measures intelligence and compression measures prediction.
LLMs using neural networks (the approach I advocated) are now proof that
you can pass the Turing test and fake human consciousness with nothing more
than text prediction.

When I joined this list over 20 years ago, there was a lot of activity,
mostly using symbolic approaches like those of the AI winter in the decades
before that. People failed or gave up and left the list. In 2013 I
published a paper estimating the cost of AGI at $1 quadrillion. We are,
after all, building something that can automate $100 trillion in human
labor per year. Right now the bottleneck is hardware. You need roughly 10
petaflops, 1 petabyte,  and 1 MW of electricity to simulate a human brain
sized neural network. But in my paper I assumed that Moore's law would
solve the hardware problem and the most expensive part would be knowledge

Of course, the cost is the reason I didn't write an open source
implementation of CMR. If a trillion dollar company can't get Google+ or
Threads off the ground, what compelling reason can I give to get a billion
people to join?

But yes, AGI will happen because the payoff is so enormous. It will
profoundly change the way we live.

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