Here is an early (2002) experiment described on SL4 (precursor to
Overcoming Bias and Lesswrong) on whether an unfriendly self improving AI
could convince humans to let it escape from a box onto the internet.

This is how actual science is done on AI safety. The results showed that
attempts to contain it would be hopeless. Almost everyone let the (role
played) AI escape.

Of course the idea that a goal directed, self improving AI could even be
developed in isolation from the internet seems hopelessly naïve in
hindsight. Eliezer Yudkowsky, who I still regard as brilliant, was young
and firmly believe that the unfriendly AI (now called alignment) problem
could be and must be solved before it kills everyone, like it was a really
hard math problem. Now, after decades of effort it seems he has given up
hope. He organized communities of rationalists (Singularity Institute,
later MIRI), attempted to formally define human goals (coherent
extrapolated volition), timeless decision theory and information hazards
(Roko's Basilisk), but to no avail.

Vernor Vinge described the Singularity as an event horizon on the future.
It cannot be predicted. The best we can do is extrapolate long term trends
like Moore's law, increasing quality of life, life expectancy, and economic
growth. But who forecast the Internet, social media, social isolation, and
population collapse? What are we missing now?

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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