@ Logan

Your point on diversity is well taken. 

We are debating using words, so semantics should be incorporated accordingly. I 
think any debate about intelligence, on an AGI forum, is quite relevant. 
However, your post seemingly raised the question whether mutation should be 
regarded the same as replication. I think they are vastly different in 
complexity, perhaps even in as far as replication (in the sense of procedural 
copying)  being on a complexity scale of 1 vs mutation being a 10. 

Perhaps, a lizard's tail assuming its previous form would be considered 
replication, would you not say so? In other words, does a lizard, some variants 
of which can reflexively drop tails, think about regrowing the tail, or is 
there a chemical it is quite unaware of, which autonomously triggers regrowth? 
Is an instinctive (designed) process a consequence, and/or evidence of local 
thought, or something else, and how is that different from behaviour, which 
would seemingly always require some form of contextual awareness?
What is this chip you mentioned? What does it do and how would it be useful for 
AGI? Can it be printed by a 3D printer?


> Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 00:11:41 -0500
> From: a...@listbox.com
> To: a...@listbox.com
> Subject: Re: [agi] Couple thoughts
> Hmmm, I think that arguing what intelligence is, is a moot point.
> If it doesn't replicate, it doesn't matter how smart it is.
> Since it is just a temporary disturbance that will die.
> I belive Darwinian Fitness is the best metric. 
> There are people that deny the intelligence of other humans,
> like recently I was accused of being unconscious,
> because I don't require images to think.
> It's very arbitrary stuff.
> Otherwise I subscribe to Integrated Information Theory,
> which basically says since smart phones integrate information,
> they have a conscious experience, like lizards. 
> http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1405/1405.7089.pdf
> But yea, the lizard has a one up, that it can reproduce.
> I'm thinking of making  a start-up LibreChips,
> to make libre hardware chips based on open cores.
> SPEL will make for great libre software, 
> but AGI needs great libre hardware also.
> --
> Logan Streondj
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