
I've been reading thru some of the papers on the OSCAR site,


The general cognitive architecture Pollock proposes there seems reasonable,
although I feel it's very incomplete, focusing exclusively on logical
inference and then inferential procedure learning.  To me, his logic-based
learning methods are too "incremental" and "localized" in nature, and I
doubt the system will be capable of creative insights or major leaps of
learning unless it's significantly modified & augmented.  For example, for
procedure learning, he basically relies on probabilistic enhancement of
standard goal-regression planning algorithms, and I don't think this kind of
approach is anywhere near adequate....

However, there is definitely some unique content here, which lies in the
details of his theory of "defeasible reasoning" [as opposed to deductive

I am curious whether you have any thoughts on his defeasible reasoning
approach, and its relation to your own NARS reasoning approach...

-- Ben

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