To get a start on the $5m. you want, how about winning the DARPA Grand
Challenge, which will bring you one m. $.
<>. All you have to do is program a car
to drive 300 miles autonomously (not tele-robotically) from LA to Vegas.
You can even use GPS.


***** MACHINE PSYCHOLOGY: <> *****

On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, Alan Grimes wrote:

> om
> In this posting I will try to walk you through a fairly complex and, in
> some places tenuous, chain of reasoning related  to my own personal
> attempt to develop an AI. My motovation in writing this post is to seek
> out people who might be interested in this venture. And, ofcourse, this
> will serve as a sanity check for myself.
> I know that people skim longer postings however I do have some very
> important things to say, skim to the second 'om' in the posting for the
> skinny...
> ===
> For the last month I have been trying to put togeather a box for
> research. The USPS lost the ram and its going to be a while before I
> will be able to afford it again =(. In the mean time I am trying to
> sketch out my research agenda.
> To start with I need an OS and develment environment. It can't be linux
> because I am building the machine with my old 850MB HD (I spent all my
> money on the Mobo). That's not a real reason, ofcourse, because I could
> put any HD I want in it, if I had the money. The real issue is that
> Linux is not a real-time operating system. Its simply the wrong solution
> for this job. I'm not going to use windows, for obvious reasons.
> My immediate plan is to put BeOS on the machine cuz I have the disk on
> hand. Unfortunately Microsoft killed Be Inc, so I will probably switch
> to QNX or some other real-time platform at some point. Other options
> include using DOS to boot the machine then run the AI as a
> self-supporting system providing its own OS functionality.
> These platform issues seem to be minor but I will demonstrate their
> importance presently.
> I have chosen a cybernetic approach to AI because it makes the most
> sense to me. I don't think I could work any other approach. A cybernetic
> approach is one that is based on a cybernetic loop between actor and
> object. Where the AI is designed in the context of a problem to be solved.
> To develop an AI based on this approach one first sets about to
> construct a problem domain for the AI to work on. For general AI one
> requires an open problem space such as a box of Legos. Today's computers
> already come with a broad selection of software that would be suitable
> for this purpose. The problem then becomes how to make it so that the AI
> can see and use these applications just as the human user does? One
> would like to create a virtual desktop which is mirrored to the physical
> console and then have the AI take its input from what it displays. On
> this desktop the AI can run games and other instructional software as
> well as communicate with the human operator.
> The development of such a system is still very chalenging as nobody
> writes software to run in the configuration I just described. This
> problem is not insurmountable, it will only require a great deal of
> money. Here is where I make my make my first logical step. I have
> concluded that to get the money and resources I need to develop the AI
> training software I will need to launch a commercial venture either
> under an existing company or organization or as a new business.
> So I start to sketch out a business plan. My idea would be to produce AI
> development tools. These would include software adaptors to let the AI
> use Mozilla or sumpfin as well as two lines of robotic systems. The
> first line would feature laboratory rigs that include white-boxes for
> controlling stimulii. In that system, the AI would be given Fischer
> Price toys to play with. It would have a camera and a dexterous
> high-feedback robotic arm. Basically a pre-fab version of the type of
> laboratory that has been in use for years...
> The higher line would be a mobile platform with a big honkin on-board
> computer and a dexterous manipulator.
> So how do I market this? Could I match expenses? The market for the lab
> equipment would be fairly narrow... Maybe a few dozen universities would
> buy it. Probably not enough to achieve an economy of scale and make it
> affordable to a broader market of hobyists and entheuseasts. In other
> words the hardware angle of the venture would not do much to advance the
> cause of AI develment.
> The software, however could be produced for practically nothing. So what
> kind of software would be able to make it big enough to justify a
> price-drop into hobyist teritory? The most advanced AI available to
> consumers today are in games such as Creatures and "Black and White".
> A game engine architected to support general AI actors would be close to
> ideal.
> The Sims Online is only the latest example. That kind of game would be
> great for teaching an AI to be good citizen. I, however, have a great
> bias against virtual communities beacuse it makes me nervous that it
> might one day gain a status above the real world, creating a situation
> inimical to someone, such as myself, who has an interest in real-world
> things. I used to have a "reality engine" project on my website but I
> withdrew it after reading Egan's Diaspora. So my first choice would be
> to go with a mobile platform or implement some in-house application for
> the job. No matter how attractive that approach is, it is still most
> problematic.
> om
> Software is too hard to develop. The curent state of software is that
> there are high barriers to entering the circle of developers.
> Furthermore once one has made a comittment to devel software you are
> faced with C++ which I have been told requires 7 years of daily
> experience to truly master or with the nightmare of getting a better
> language to work with an operating system which is literally built to
> support C and C++. Switching to a better OS makes things worse because
> once you get out of the mainstream you can't find support and you find
> yourself having to write/port more of your applications. While the OS
> you choose may be much much better than linux (which isn't hard at all)
> such as BeOS your costs will go up because you have to do alot more from
> scratch.
> [damn, I'm having trouble writing streight today; not enough sleap cuz
> I've been downloading 5.5GB of leenooks over 56k...]
> YES, it is technically possible to nuckle under and work linux. When one
> thinks of an application such as the internet one looks at the work and
> what it takes to do the work. In all cases you want to maximize the
> ratio of work to overhead.
> Lets think of software as a pyramid. The simplest softwarez are at the
> bottom, and AI is the little point at the very top...
>      ^      < AI.
>     /_\     < applications.
>    /___\    < operating systems.
>   /_____\   < languages
> /_______\  < raw computation.
> The ease of developing AI is a function of how well the lower levels
> support the next level. This isn't strictly the case but given my state
> of tiredness, it makes perfect sense. ;)
> To give you a better feel for what exactly is going on here let me try,
> in my over fatigued state, to relate the core of what is going on here
> through an anictdote that happened to me a week or so ago.
> I have a long-time pen-pal, David G. Shreeves (
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). He has been a Slackerware (linux) user
> for many years and reccomends it highly. On his advice, six months ago,
> I had a friend of mine (who has DSL) burn me the discs. He, most kindly,
> provided me with all three disks. My HD had reciently been slaughtered
> by an asshole after 6 years of uninterupted operation and I was in need
> of a new OS. When I tried to install the OS, it didn't work, it simply
> couldn't handle the optimal configuration of my HD. I asked around and
> they told me that it was a bug in the kernel and the work-around was to
> change a setting in the BIOS to a lower setting and later to recompile
> the kernel with the correct driver.
> I use DOS as a benchmark for OS quality. Since this problem _NEVER_
> happens in DOS, linux is clearly inferior.
> So I was talking with Shreeves about it a few days ago and he knew about
> the bug too and suggested that its just a hacker's OS and that these
> inconveniences are minor.
> He, and many like him overlook a critical fact. That being that the
> _USER_, and in this case AI researcher, was forced to take time and
> mental resources AWAY from his work on AI to handle these linux "quirks".
> While it is theoreticaly possible for someone to be such a strong
> programmer that he can put up with linux and still have some time left
> over on the weekends to solve the AI problem, I hope the people
> receiving this message will see that to be a real problem. Humans are
> finite creatures. You can't keep piling stuff on them and expect them to
> be just as fast.
> The burdeons of using linux have gotten to the point that its
> development has been thouroughly arrested by all the cruft that has
> built up around it.
> Our basic goal here is to make computing much easier so that AI
> researchers can jump right in and start working the real problems of AI
> rather than spending all their time and mental resources getting their
> flaming hard drives working. By making AI research dramaticly easier to
> accomplish we can dramaticly improve the chances that someone out there
> will "get it right", and that's a Good Thing (tm).
> The easier computing systems that I am talking about already exist. One
> of the most shining examples of these is the Squeak environment. (
> ).
> The question now is, what is the killer app that can bring Squeak into
> the mainstream and encourage the open source community to give it the
> functionality that it needs to really succede without having to make a
> massive initial investment in that same functionality?
> I think the answer is this:
> A game is not like traditional open source. Very few people will work on
> the real problems in the linux system, the core of GNU software that it
> is based on, because it is difficult and because, as humans, they don't
> have sufficient emotional motovation to work on such projects.
> A MMORPG based on Squeak can solve that problem. While the details of
> the virtual world I propose are beyond the scope of what I want to say
> here. I feel that I have an excelant chance at being extremely sucessful
> in this venture. I will just have to set asside my fears and go whole
> hog on this because these on-line games have such an enormous potential
> for driving development of the cultural and technical foundations of AI
> development.
> The economic value of virtual communities is only now beginning to be
> realized. The on-line RPGs we see today are merely experaments to find
> the right set of concepts that will make it big. I can project from the
> recient trends in the field and I am very confidient in my ability to
> design a virtual world with great potential.
> I know how to do it.
> I do face a significant challenge in getting it off the ground. While it
> has a clear mission, its qualities as a piece of software are not
> readily apparent. Investors have been mistaking complexity for
> sophistication for quite a while now and I don't see that changing any
> time soon. They will look at the Squeak package and won't see its true
> value because it looks too simple to them. ;)
> The Virtual world I propose, the first generation at least, is quite
> obnoxious in that it will be a simple 2-D system. It is 2-D for very
> good reasons but investors will look at it and balk. =(
> For an AI focused institution they will look at it and say "What value
> does this bring us? It has nothing to do with AI!" While, on the
> surface, they would be right, they will fail to see that promoting the
> virtual world I here propose, is what I call an "indispensible luxury".
> Its something that you don't really really need, but is a real pain in
> the butt to do without. Let me try to sumarize the payoff here. Squeak
> today is a wonderful system but it is immature and not yet sufficient
> for major projects. Today's operating systems have a massive ammount of
> inertia behind them and that won't change unless major effort is put
> into displacing them.
> Through the virtual world squeak can become a major factor in the future
> of computing. In five to seven years, my virtual world system can be in
> a position to begin to displace these entrenched monopolies. The payoff
> comes on the day when system administrators are fired because the
> computers are simple enough for even the boss to configure. ;) The
> payoff comes when all the hours spent maintaining a windows or linux
> installation and doing day-to-day chores can be put into pushing the
> frontiers of the art. While all this liberated effort won't be going
> into AI directly, it will be put into software that AI researchers will
> use in their daily work and thereby form the foundation on which AI will
> be built.
> It is apparent to me that AI is, and has been for some time, strictly a
> software problem. The time it will take to solve this software problem
> will depend on how much overhead and complexity the AI researcher has to
> deal wtith _BEFORE_ beginning his work.
> om
> In conclusion, I am about to go against my reservations and fears and
> plunge head-long into a virtual world project because I beleive, by this
> convoluted logic, that it is vital to advancing the development of AI.
> Bottom line: I need $5,000,000 to start, and another $10,000,000 to go
> on-line.
> "The day may be 10-20 years from now when we will have a HAL...we are working on it 
>at is not science fiction."
> -Daniel Goldin, Chief NASA Administrator, 2001 AD on Discovery TV
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