Friday, January 3, 2003, 11:37:15 PM, Mike Deering wrote:

MD>The intelligence of computer software keeps constant with the
MD>capability of the $1000 desktop.

I strongly disagree.  The "intelligence" of computer software has
remained pretty constant.  The feature lists (and memory, disk and
processor requirements) have grown.

MD>When the $1000 desktop reaches sufficiency to run human level AGI
MD>it will be available.  This is an economic certainty.

When the hardware reaches some sort of "equivalence", you mean?  If so
I can't see the reasoning.  If you mean when the software reaches that
level, and can run on $1,000 desktop machines...I guess it would be
available soon enough, but I can't see the "economic certainty".
All the technology for Britney Spears to pose nude for Playboy exists,
and there's certainly a market for it, but that doesn't make it an
economic certainty (give it five years or so).

MD> This will occur before the predictions of the experts in the field
MD> of Singularity prediction because their predictions are based on a
MD> constant Moore's Law and they over estimate the computational  
MD> capacity required for human level AGI.

"Experts" in that field?  Is that something like "DC sniper experts"
or "terrorism experts"?

MD> Their dates vary from 2016 to 2030 depending on whether they are
MD> using the 18 month figure or the 12 month figure.  Moore's Law is
MD> currently at 9 months and falling. 

Data, please.

MD> My calculations based on a falling Moore's Law put
MD> the Singularity on April 28th, 2005.

Duh.  *Everyone* knows Timewave Zero collapses when the Mayan calendar
ends, in 2012.

MD> This human level AGI in a computer will be quite superior to a
MD> human because of several advantages that machines have over gray
MD> matter.  These advantages are: upgradability, self-improvement  
MD> through redesign, self editability, reliability, functional
MD> parallelism, accuracy, and speed.

Depends on the architecture.  Although I suspect "real AI" will be
built with most of those features, I can imagine architectures that
arrive at near-human equivalent without a number of those features.

MD> This superiority will be quantitative not qualitative.

I'd say the ability to redesign itself, design iteratively more
optimized versions of itself and the like are qualitative differences.

MD> It will be superior but completely comprehensible to us.


We're not superior to ourselves, and we're certainly not completely
comprehensible to ourselves.

MD> The belief in a radically different form of advanced thought
MD> incomprehensible to present humans is philosophical in nature, not
MD> based on evidence. 

<cheap shot>...kind of like your arguments here then.</cheap shot>


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