> > My idea is that action-framing and environment-monitoring are carried
> > out in a unified way in Units assigned to these tasks generically.
> > ..........ethical thought gets to affect system behavior indirectly
> > through a), via ethically-motivated GoalNodes, both general ones and
> > context-specific ones.  Thus, the role of the ethics Unit I posited
> > would be create ethically-motivated Goalnodes, which would then be
> > exported to the generic action-framing and environment-monitoring Units
> > to live and work along with the other Goalnodes. 
> OK - that makes sense.
> Presumably there would be a lot of feedback from the action-framing 
> and environment-monitoring Units to the Ethical Unit for it to create 
> additional or refined GoalNodes to help resolve previously unresolved 
> or ambiguous ethical issues?
> Cheers, Philip



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