Okay, hypothetical question... and yes, it's really hypothetical... if you had a true AGI, say with very powerful pattern-recognition intelligence but perhaps not with much in the way of natural human interaction yet, what would be the simplest and least effortful way to make money with it? Stock markets and commodities markets are obvious targets, and trading itself is relatively simple to set up through an online broker; but is there any freely available online source of data rich enough to perform prediction on, assuming that stock markets and commodities markets contain at least some AGI-recognizable, previously unrecognized, usefully predictable and reliably exploitable empirical regularities?

Or does any attempt to generate money via AGI require launching at least a small specialized company to do so?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky http://singinst.org/
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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