> I take a quite non-mainstream approach to AI, and more generally to
> science as a whole.  For one, I am not at all interested in the
> paradigm that permeates the computer industry.

I admire 'thinking outside the box'.

> Dedicated purpose hardware provides task specific performance orders of
> magnitude higher than that of a general purpose CPU.  And task-specific
> hardware need not be inordinately expensive.  Look at graphics and sound
> boards as an example of this.
> There is no reason you couldn't take every single deterministic, P
> in the standard C++ libraries and implement it as hardware.  Most programs
> would then be mostly written in assembly language, with constructions like
> binarysearch[sorted_array x, search_target y] replacing   add a, mov y,
> etc.
> not only are you getting the efficiency boost of assembly language, but
> the speed boost of dedicated hardware!   I'm not suggesting eliminating
> CPUs, just saying they should act as the conductor, not the conductor plus
> the orchestra members plus the instruments plus the stage...

Great observation...however I should remind you that at the heart of the
best hardware is the kernel of software that allows hardware to be of any
use at all...otherwise known as microcode.

My point is simple.  Even a reductionist point of view w.r.t. the soft v.
hard-ware dilemma can be taken only so far.

> Also, software can be written in hardware.  Photoshop costs 500$, an entry
> level computer from dell that will run PS quite well costs 400$.  This is
> kinda nutty.  Put the fucker on a chip, with some flash ram to allow
> patching, halve the price (who the hell pirates IC's?), and get at least
> order of magnitude increase in program speed *compared to current top of
> line Intel/AMD processors running software version of Photoshop*.  And
> speed would be more or less constant if you put the Photoshop chip in a
> PC or a 4000$ dollar pc.  (actually, the faster PC's could help out with
> math-heavy stuff such as certain filters).

And that should be taken to mean as far as the microcode takes it.  At which
point, you are once again faced choices once again reflective of the soft v.
hard-ware dilemma and consequences there-in on ultimate questions of system
efficiency, performance, and optimization.

I like your description ;-)

> ok that was all rather off topic :)
> anyway back to the topic on hand - I personally am not so much interested
> either imitating the brains architecture or designing a mind that is
> efficient and 'smart' from the get go.  I'm trying to solve the problem of
> general cognition, and hence I don't care if an AI based on my methods
> starts out with the smarts of a mouse :).  As long as the general
> basis is sound, and scaleable to human-level cognition or higher, I would
> a very, very happy person.
> Ed, thanks for your insightful and thought provoking comments :)  they
> my brain going off in all sorts of directions as a result of writing this
> response, and that is definitely a good thing.
> J Standley
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